Wednesday 3 June 2020

New Life - Week 2

Dr Anne has been in conversation with her other friends in self isolation.  They are all at a loose end. They all have lists of things to do but can't get motivated.  Dr Anne wakes late these days and lies listening to Radio 4 or Radio Scotland.  When she rouses herself she heads for the green chair in the conservatory and lies around.  She may even not be dressed by lunch time.  This is unheard of.  What would she do without her friends?

This is unprecedented times.  Friends are important.  She has heard from Australia, Africa, South America, the US, Canada, Germany, Estonia, as well as the UK.

Day 8:

Dr Anne had gone South East, South, West.  Obviously she has no desire to go north into the sea.  The one walk she had missed was the East Braes out to the old Coastguard Lookout.  It was mild although not sunny.  The Gorse was in full bloom.  It was a great walk.  7319 steps and 4.9K.

Day 9:

The day was dry.  Dr Anne heard Robert next door and Colin two doors down cutting grass so she got on her garden clothes and went to the bottom green.  She cut it and then took out the rake and did the moss. It was hard work. Being in walking mode Dr Anne went off up the hill then round her circuit.  7516 steps and 4K.

Day 10:

The day was warm and sunny.  Robert, next door was sunbathing when Dr Anne looked over the wall.  She tackled the top green today.  The walk today was 7389 and 3.6K.  This was the circuit.

Dr Anne has been reviewing her walks over the last 10 days.  She has been measuring them on her phone.  She doesn't think the measurement was very accurate.  Who really cares about Dr Anne's walking schedule but herself.  She begins to think that she might be training for something.

Day 11:

Today is winter.  There is hailstones and a cold icy wind.  When talking with Greygranite Dr Anne began to think about empty shops.  She trotted off to the baker and the Coop.  There was no-one about.  There was food on the shelves but just limited choice.

Day 12:

The clocks went forward today and guess what Dr Anne's watch stopped working.  Time stands still.  Dr Anne didn't have much motivation.  She flicked between TV channels and binged on The Crown.
There is so much she could do if she could get some motivation.

Day 13:

Today is Dr Anne's down day.  Her dad died 38 years ago.  Her mother went to the hospital 11 years ago and ever returned.  To cap it all Auntie Cath died 7 years ago.  While this is a day of sadness Dr Anne is healthy and happy.  It is the start of another year.  Go Anne, Go.

Dr Anne went on her circuit.  Today it was 7328 steps and 4.1K.  Dr Anne laughs that it is never the same!!!  The marsh marigolds are in full bloom near the Soy Burn. The sea was whipping up foam round near the swimming pool.

at Soy Burn

near the Swimming Pool

Day 14:

There was a bracing wind and it was cold when Dr Anne walked up the brae opposite her house, down to the Boyne Burn and back up home.  Today it was 7201 steps and 4K.  The day was long as Dr Anne made apple and chilli jelly, some more red currant cordial. Dr Anne has acquired the taste now.  She did go back to the piano for the first time in a couple of weeks.  The unsettled days go on and on. 

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