Wednesday 3 June 2020

New Life - Week 4

As Week 4 commences, Dr Anne is more at ease with the situation.  The binge watching of box sets is finished.  The walks are regular and very enjoyable.  The pilates are set up.  All Dr Anne has to do now is get back to playing the piano.

Day 22:

The day started with a Zoom pilates session.  Dr Anne began to enjoy it.  Wednesday seems to be the day that people phone.  Today it was Dr Anne's Prof  - Mary S whom she hadn't spoken to for a couple of years.  She also received two ecards.  Contact is welcome.  Mary S told Dr Anne that you die twice once when you lose your life and secondly when people stop talking about you.

The walk took Dr Anne round her regular circuit - 7455 steps and 4.3K.

There was a virtual meeting of Portsoy Community Enterprise in the evening.  The staff have all been furloughed.  The buildings are all closed.

Day 23:

The walk today was the new circuit.  It was 5744 steps and 3.4K.  Dr Anne went to the bottom green as the sun was shining.  She cut, raked and edged it until it was looking good.

Dr Anne tuned into the Maundy Service at St Columba's Church.  It was about linking the lonely and setting the solitary all very appropriate in these days of self isolation.

Day 24:

Good Friday.  Dr Anne's penpal Lois Skyped and they chatted for an hour.  The number of virus patients seems to have flatted in Oz.  Testing is freely available within easily travelling distance.  Hairdressers are open...  Coffee shops are selling takeaways.

Ir was the normal circuit today 6744 steps and 4.1K.  There was also a Zoom pilates lesson.

Day 25:

This was a beautiful spring day with sunshine and warmth.  I did a 5650 step walk 3.2K then headed to the garden.  I cut, raked and edged the grass.  I then painted the tap and the walkway with saddling.

Day 26:

Easter Day:

I had the Archbishop of Canterbury on Radio 4 then the Easter Service from St Columba's at 11.  The lesson suited me very well in my time of self-isolation.  Run the race set before us.  Let us live, let us laugh. We will feel the Master's pleasure.

It was a really cold so did the circuit - 7070 steps and 3.7K.  It was very cold.  The police were patrolling round the links.

Binged on Bonfire of Destiny on Netflix.

Day 27:

Dr Anne waited until it was bright before she headed for her walk.  She did both circuits and counted 11013 steps and 6.5K.  It was a beautiful evening but the sea was foaming.  It was well worth a watch.

Dr Anne placed an order at her garden centre - White Lodge.  They were taking orders then expected someone to pick up at the main gate.  Robert, next door wanted red onions and late potatoes.  Dr Anne's friend Suzi  wanted some compost too so said she would do the collection.

Dr Anne is using the fruit in her freezer.  There are gooseberries, black currants, red currants and apple juice there.  None are Dr Anne's favourites but she shall use them up.  Today she took gooseberries and and made gooseberry fool.  They tasted rather nice.  She will do this again.  She also made some red currant and apple cordial.  Well, it is away from her normal fizzy water.

Dr Anne found a recipe for rhubarb and gin jam.  Suzi had given Dr Anne some rhubarb and ginger gin at Christmas so this seemed a good combination.  Dr Anne prepared the ingredients and left them overnight.

Series 3, Episode 1 of Killing Eve was on BBC iPlayer so Dr Anne indulged.

Dr Anne is now living at a much slower pace.  There is no hurry as she has no pressing activities.  She can do what she wants instead of rushing here and there, doing 'stuff'.  Who knows what the new life will be when the lock down is lifted.

Day 28:

Dr Anne had a Pilates class first thing.  She is thoroughly enjoying the exercise.  In the evening she did her circuit 7181 steps and 3.7K.  It was a beautiful spring night.

Colin gave Dr Anne his carpet cleaner so Dr Anne got going and did the kitchen floor.  Once she gets going she gets enthusiastic.

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