Wednesday 3 June 2020

Week 7 - New LIfe

This is the first day of week 7 of self isolation.  How does she feel as she enters the second half of her 12 weeks isolation.  She sees Suzi and the kids fairly frequently. She goes into the yard and tries to keep a social distance.  On her walks, Dr Anne sees a lot of people now on her walks.  There are many new people on the east side of the town now.  Are they exploring an area they haven't been to before?  The shops in town are very empty.  Where is everyone?  Do people shop only once a week or do they go out of town to shop now?  Ah well, life goes on.

Day 43:

Dr Anne had no walk and no video today.  Life took over with pilates, music, and then a meeting with the Care Services to provide support for GGC.  The evening was taken up with a Board Meeting for PCE.

Day 44:

Dr Anne had now walk yesterday so did two circuits today with 11752 steps and 7.5K.  She met a few people on the circuit and chatted at social distance.  There was a yoga class in the morning that Dr Anne found difficult to keep up with and a dance class with Eloise. She had a long FaceTime with SS.  There is no new but lots of chat.

Day 45:

Friday, it is so difficult to keep tabs on the days as everyone is the same.  Dr Anne did the little circuit of 5957 steps and 3.8K as she had already done a 1:1 with Wendy Pilates who had put her through her paces.  Miss Fia took orders for a fish night and delivered a delicious fish supper at 5pm on the dot.  The chip shop has opened on a Friday and Saturday night for phone in orders.

Dr Anne had a 2 hour FaceTime with Charly in Argentina and JSS.  It was good to hear about the lock down in a different country.  If one wants to leave the flat one has to get a permission note and download it.  Charlie's partner has one each week to visit his mum.  The government are releasing prisoners and that is fairly controversial.  Charly feels that some people are now breaking the rules.

Day 46:

Dr Anne went out and cut the grass.  She felt that she would have done much more in the garden than she has.  She loves her walks and today did the little circuit - 5957 steps and 3.8K.  She had a zoom session with Wendy Pilates over a beer and caught up with 2.5 years of news.

Day 47:

Dr Anne lay long and watched TV until the morning service from St Columba's, Pont Street, London.    She walked a bit of a circuit before visiting her friend GGC. It was only 5723 steps and 3.3K.  This was a long day as Dr Anne couldn't be bothered doing anything.

Day 48:

Dr Anne had to rouse herself from her bed to get to her friend GGC.  This was the first day of the carers and there were questions to be asked and papers to be signed.  All went smoothly.

Dr Anne came home practised her music, had a zoom dance class and walked 6599 steps and 3.8K.

Day 49:

Dr Anne was up bright and early today.  She had a Pilates class then two dance classes with Eloise and Niamh both aiming to do their Associate.  The gardener came and trimmed the ivy dyke and mucked the raspberries while Dr Anne practised her music.

It was a beautiful day so Dr Anne headed for the Boyne circuit followed by the circuit to the wishing gate.  10639 steps and 6.3K.  She met Colin then Suzi, then Eloise, Sharon, and Moira George.

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