Wednesday 3 June 2020

New Life - Week 5

Dr Anne can't believe that she is now entering Week 5 of self isolation.

She has now got into a routine.  There is pilates.  Dr Anne can join in Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 0930 - 1045.  She then has her one to one session on a Friday.

Dr Anne has been walking almost every day.  She has walked many km these last four weeks. She has gone east, south east, south, west.  She is not going north into the sea.

The garden looks spring like.  The green has been cut and raked and now fed.  Dr Anne is feeding her roses.  The gardener has been pruning back the shrubs.

The piano has been abandoned but she will get back to it this week.  Ruby has been in contact and lessons will begin next week online.

That leaves the dancing.  Dr Anne doesn't know when she will get back to it.

Netflix has been a God send and Dr Anne has now watched three box sets.

Day 29:

This is the first day of week 5.  It was up early and pilates online.  Dr Anne headed eventually to the garden to start feeding the roses.  She was a bit random. She headed off on her walk but there was a cold wind blowing and the sun disappeared behind the clouds.  She just did 5409 steps and 2.9K which is probably one of the shortest walks to date.

Day 30:

The days rush in and Dr Anne has to look at the calendar to remind her which day it is.

Today she walked 6670 steps and 3.9k. It was a beautiful day so she went to the patio roses and spent most of the afternoon pruning and feeding.  She was well satisfied by her efforts.

She had three upsets.  The dinosaur egg wasn't holding water, she broke her beautiful leaf ornament and to crown it all the little plate of her bespoke ornament had broken off.

Dr Anne was on a roll and off she went to clean her kitchen tiles.  She broke the handle of the cleaner.

Not a good day overall but Dr Anne is well and healthy and lives to tell the story.

Day 31:

Dr Anne had her pilates 1:1 and she sure feels the better with this exercise.  Later she walked two circuits making 9895 steps and 5.4K.

Many of Dr Anne's friends have the beginnings of cabin fever.  Dr Anne really appreciates her big garden and the wide open spaces around Portsoy.

Today was the day to tackle the hybrid tea roses.  They are the oldest roses in the garden and so... Dr Anne went hacking at them.  The ivy had grown into them in the the two years since Dr Anne has been able to get down on her knees.  Who really cares if they do not grow...

Miss Fia phoned in the morning to say that the chip shop was to be open for orders and did Dr Anne want some chips.  Yes please was the answer, a half portion of fish cake and chips.  Miss Fia put in the order and delivered it to her door at 5.12 precisely.  It was a really treat, the only thing missing was the chat of a normal Friday night.

Day 32:

Saturday.  All the hard work of yesterday had Dr Anne sleeping until 0900.  The weather continued to  be sunny so Dr Anne headed to the floribunda roses and the rasps.  She pruned them and fed them and weeded.

She found a new circuit tonight by adding a path through Kirkies Wood then through Durn Farm.  It came to 8835 steps and 4.7K.  It was a beautiful, warm, calm night.

Netflix was switched on and Dr Anne watched Robert Redford and Jane Fonda in Our Souls at Night.    Jane Fonda crossed the road and asked her neighbour Robert Redford if he would sleep with her as the middle of the night is the worst time when one can't get to sleep.

Day 33:

Sunday again and Dr Anne switched to St Columba's, Pont Street.  She likes the message she receives and it sets her up for the week.  The theme was Breath of God.

Off Dr Anne went to the garden on another beautiful day.  She pushed herself to feed the roses at the top of the garden and the hybrid teas.  Watch this space, she thinks.

After all the work, Dr Anne went to the ice cream shop for some crisps, coke, tonic and mint choc ice cream for the kids.  None of these items were needed but Dr Anne just wanted 'rubbish' to eat.

It was a short walk tonight - 4801 steps and 2.6K then some TV.

Day 34:

Dr Anne's circuit was 9153 steps and 5.7K today.  She need this after a rather wasted day.

Dr Anne had received an order of 25 books for TAC Canada.  She went to the Post Office.  Anne at the Post Office said to break up the parcels as it was very expensive to send parcels over 2 kilos.  Dr Anne also did a shop at the COOP.  She tries to go there as little as possible as she finds it quite stressful.  She races around the shop getting her list and usually forgets to get one or two items.

Today the two Rubys and Fia had a Zoom dance class.  It wasn't really successful as Dr Anne could get the iPad to connect to the speaker when she was on Zoom.  Never mind, they will try again next week.

Dr Anne did go to the garden and put sadolin on random arches.  Her head wasn't in the right place.

Day 35:

Dr Anne wasn't in great mood although the weather was brilliant.  She could not get logged onto the Pilates class so she went and made some leek and potato soup.  She then went to the garden, cleaned out the summer house and did some painting.

A telephone call came from a friend so Dr Anne lost the impetus to go for a walk.

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