Wednesday 3 June 2020

New Life - Week 3

There is no routine as Dr Anne goes into week 3. The weather is cold and the wind is strong.  The only communication is by telephone, what's app, messenger and email.

Day 15:

Dr Anne has found Anne of Green Gables on Netflix.  This was Dr Anne's favourite character when she was young.  She can while away many an hour on this.  Oh how Anne can speak.

Dr Anne walked her circuit.  Today was 7440 steps and 3.8K. Why can it vary so much?

Day 16:

The wind was unbelievable today.  Dr Anne set off on her walk but could not keep upright.  She managed only 3473 steps and 2K before she gave up and lay in front of the TV.

On her way back from her disastrous walk she was called over to the Ords.  A package had arrived.  In the package was a rabbit.  It was called Kiwi Awesome King.  There were two further rabbits to be admired - Truffle and Joe.  Dr Anne has never had a rabbit so lots of questions were asked.

Day 17:

Today Dr Anne really had to step up to the mark.  She put two of her circuits into one.  She went out to the old coastguard station and then found a new path along the top of Langies Brae.  She then walked round the Boyne.  It was 11311 steps and 6.8K.  On the way there were numerous cars, vans and the occasional lorry.  Where were they all heading?  So much for isolating.

Day 18:

Dr Anne got up with a bit of enthusiasm today.  She headed out to wash the windows.  She had been procrastinating for nearly two weeks.  Scared to go out to the front Dr Anne started with the back windows.  It was hose, wash with fairy liquid, hose, dry, then sparkle.  It does take for ever.  Dr Anne then headed to the front to wash the cobbles and do the front windows.  The garage was swept.  Dr Anne then washed her beloved hardwood gates.  It was hose, wash with fairy liquid, hose then dry with vinegar in the water.  They sure did sparkle.  Dr Anne felt very virtuous.

Dr Anne headed for the Bauds to wash her car but it wasn't open.  She went for petrol and some shopping from Tesco.  Tesco didn't seem to have procedures in place to keep people apart.  Dr Anne had taken her phone but Tesco had not raised their touchless to £45.  She had to go back to her car for her card.  When she got back to the checkout the time limit had run out.  The shopping had to be moved. The assistant helped and all had to be rescanned.  This was all very unsatisfactory and Dr Anne was left a bit bewildered.  The Coop was certainly much better organised.

Dr Anne set off to work the circuit.  It was a beautiful night.  It was 7942 steps and 4.3K.

Day 19:

Dr Anne watched the live streaming of the service from St Columba's, Pont Street, London.  The Cause of Death is Birth.  We need food and love.The Cross pulls us to God and each other.

Dr Anne went off to the garden.  She weeded and trimmed.  She set off for her circuit in the evening but she forgot her phone.  She met her friends the Ords on her way up the hill and abandoned her walk for today.

Day 20:

Dr Anne got an early phone call.  Blaine had no jam for his toast.  That was easily remedied. The rasp jam was put on the window sill and Blaine ran up to collect it.

Dr Anne went for a quick walk round her new circuit.  It was 3631 steps and 2.4K.  It is only half of the other circuit but it is hill walking and quiet.

She went off to the garden after lunch as it was warm and sunny.  Her task was to houk dandelions.  Dr Anne hates dandelions in her garden.  She knows that it is just a beautiful flower out of place but... not in her garden.

Wendy Pilates zoomed and Dr Anne had her first pilates class in 2.5 years.  Wendy moved away in October 2017 and Dr Anne broke her kneecap in November 2017.  Dr Anne needs to improve her fitness so the opportunity to do pilates by Zoom seemed like a good opportunity.

Day 21:

The day started with a Zoom meeting with the Ords.  The rabbits were inspected.

The walk took Dr Anne up the hill then out to the Coast Guard Station.  It was a beautiful calm day on land and sea.  She did 6011 steps and 4.2K.  The 4K per day seems a goodly amount.  The gardener came and cut back some of overgrown shrubs.

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