Wednesday 3 June 2020

Week 9 - New Life

It is week nine already. How the weeks fly past.  Dr Anne is into a routine of pilates, music, teaching gardening and walking.  She talks to friends all over the world and the phone is pretty much near at hand.

The weather in week eight was quite a difference from the previous seven.  The weather was coming from the Artic so it was low temperatures and a biting cold wind.  This deterred Dr Anne from her walks.  However, this really gave Dr Anne to increase her piano practice.

Dr Anne's friend GGC was very much in her thoughts all week.

Day 57:

Wendy Pilates cancelled her class so Dr Anne hung around doing housework until her music lesson.  The day was bright although still cold.  Dr Anne went out to the Coastguard Station which is 8031 steps and 5.5K.  It was really mild when she got among the gorse bushes.  Today there were many fairies at the Faerie Gathering.

Day 58:

Wendy Pilates cancelled her class again so Dr Anne had to hang around until it was time for FaceTime with Eloise and Messenger with Niamh, Zoom with Ruby and Messenger with Lucy.  Miss Fia arrived with her foam tiles.  All in all Dr Anne had four hours of dancing, mostly theory.  By the end of dancing, Dr Anne just wanted to laze around watching Grace and Frankie, episode after episode.

Day 59:

Wendy Pilates is still not up to classes so Dr Anne went and did some housework, something she does as little as possible,  She then drove her car to Cullen and back to charge the battery and ensure the car is in good order.

Music is very important just now as Dr Anne wants to record her pieces by the end of May.  Two hours per day is required so Dr Anne has to be very structured.

Miss Fia delivered a half portion of scampi and chips for supper from the chip shop which is now opening on Friday and Saturday night for orders.  Afterwards Dr Anne set of for her daily walk - the circuit plus Kirkies Wood 8027 steps and 4.9K.  Once she was out of the house and round the links it was a beautiful evening and even warm by the time she got home.

There was an incident with GGC late that Dr Anne had to deal with.  The hallucinations were vivid and he could not cope.

Day 60:

It was an early morning Skype with Lois in Australia.  Covid  has not been nearly so serious in Australia.  There have been few deaths and really no epidemic only clusters.  The population can now travel throughout the state and meet up with friends.  Five can be invited into the house or ten can be invited into the garden.  The vaccine is ready for trial and may be available by the end of the year.

There was dancing with Eloise and Niamh.  Both are improving and will be confident dance teachers.

Rain was expected but the sky was blue.  Dr Anne rushed out to cut the grass before it became unmanageable. Expecting rain she headed off for her walk around the circuit.  There were a lot of people out and about so the 8361 steps and 4.7K took much longer than usual.  It was however nice to have chats.  Dr Anne became aware that there are cases of covid 19 in Portsoy which did kind of scary.

Dr Anne cut the rhubarb and took what was in the freezer.  She soaked the ingredients in gin, lemon juice and vanilla.

Music practice was followed by a what's app with JSS and Chdancer.  It was lots of laughs.

Day 61:

Most of the day was taken up on the phone.  It started at 0900 and Dr Anne was still catching up with people at 2200.

There was a nice walk around the circuit 6267 steps  and 3.5K.

The service from St Columba's was on the Holy Ghost and continues to give Dr Anne comfort.

'I will ask the father and he will give you a comforter to be with you forever.  I will not leave you orphaned, I am in you.'

GGC continues to have issues with hallucinations so he and Dr Anne devised a plan.  Dr Anne will keep a diary of the hallunicinations and if they do not settle Dr Anne will take action.

The stories of Grace and Frankie continue to keep Dr Anne amused.

Day 62:

As Dr Anne couldn't get to sleep she then slept in.  She has never been so lazy.  There was music to practise and dancing to dance.  Have finally mastered the zoom if I shut mute the dancers.

It was a warm evening so Dr Anne set off round the loch then down to the beach and the harbour and as it was still warm she climbed the Burnie brae hill and down the cistern brae.  6395 steps and 3.7K. It sure was better than watching TV.

A message came through late that Dr Anne has to present her pieces by May 29.  This fits with her plan but it was still a shock.  She needs to up her practising and cut back on her binging.

Day 63:

Still no pilates so Dr Anne headed to the shop for bread and cake.  There were classes with Eloise and Niamh.  Dr Anne was not at her best today.  She was still thinking of the news about her pieces.

Mike the gardener was in the garden emptying the pots ready for the summer potting.  Dr Anne really wanted to head for the garden but thee was a spit of rain.  She went off on a walk out the East Braes.  She was slow tonight so she meandered deep in thought.  Her pace was dead slow and stop with pauses to sit.  She did 7767 steps and 5.3K

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