Wednesday 25 March 2020

New Life - Week 1

Dr Anne has been put into self isolation as she has reached the magic 70.

What is she going to do with her new life with no dancing, no Bothy, no church?
Day 1: 
Dr Anne walked her circuit, 4.8K.  She made rasp jam.  She worked on her neglected blog.  There were so many from last year's holidays that it will take days to complete the task. 

Day 2: 
Dr Anne walked up the hill, 3.1K.  She made black currant cordial. Lots of vitamin C.  
Church meeting re closing the church and meeting re cancelling the Boat Festival.

The Sail  Loft

The wind farm of Boyndie in the distance

Day 3:

Dr Anne walked her circuit 6.6K. She made red currant jelly.  The truth of her new life hit her.  She saw her self distancing in the Coop.  She could not settle to do anything productive and went off to bed hoping for a good night's sleep. 

Day 4:

Dr Anne lay long but got on with the Blog updates when she roused herself. 

After lunch she headed round the Boyne.  This was a favourite walk back when she was a child.  She always thought it was 5 miles but not according to her phone.  It said 7606 steps and 4.4k.  

Dr Anne intended washing her windows but no she went off to the garden for the first time.  She only survived 30 minutes but that is 30 minutes more than any day this year.  The better weather is coming so she is looking forward to the challenge of the garden these next three months. 

Day 5:

Dr Anne wasn't at her best this morning. However she got her stick and put on her hat and walked her circuit.  Today it was 7075 steps and 4k.  This is the third time she has done it and this time it was only 4k. Isn't it odd that the same walk varies in length?

It was extremely cold out with an icy wind.  This is the first day that Dr Anne has seen more than one or two people. People must have cabin fever.  

The Old Harbour at Portsoy, part of my circuit.

Day 6:

Where would Dr Anne walk today?  She set off up the Huntly Road and cut off to Damheads.  She went round the Durn Hill, down the Boggierow Brae and back into town by going round the Durn Road.  She met a woman out with her dogs and covered 10496 steps and 5.7k

Day 7
Now that Dr Anne has purchased Netflix she has been binging on the Crown.  After lunch she set off with the stick and the hat.  She went round the beach and the harbour and then out past the swimming pool.  It was the best day yet so she set off up the brae to heathery and along to Redhythe.  Today it was 11393 steps and 7.2k.

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