Wednesday 3 June 2020

Week 10 - New Life

Now it is Week 10.

Dr Anne is now in a spin.  She has to record tunes for her music exam this week. She will panic but she knows that she can do it. She has tried it and when she thinks she is doing well she makes a mistake.

There is dancing to be done.  Dr Anne has solved the problem of zoom by ensuring that the dancers have muted their screens.  The girls are working on their teachers certificate with enthusiasm.

The walks have been shorter this week as the weather has been variable.

Dr Anne hasn't really gone near the garden except to cut the grass.  With the rain there will be lots of weeds.

Day 64:

Day one of week 10 was a whirlwind with pilates, music, gardening and a long walk up the hill and down the cistern brae, round the back of Kirkies Wood then round the circuit 11797 steps and 7.1K.  It was a beautiful warm evening.

Dr Anne has a freezer full of red currants.  What else could she make was her cry?  Morag suggest red currant sorbet so Dr Anne found a Nigella recipe for red currant and elderflower sorbet.

Day 65:

Dr Anne didn't sleep well.  She got up at 5 and set to work making the red currant and elderflower sorbet.  It was delicious.  The pilates was cancelled but Dr Anne had three hours teaching theory and two hours teaching dancing by zoom. There was no energy for a walk.  She also cut the lower green edged it and did some weeding.

Day 66:

There were strong winds and the likelihood of rain.  Dr Anne cut the upper green as it was growing quite 'rank'.  After her 1:1 pilates she did some tidying of weeds in the dell.  There was a delivery of fish from Suzi for supper delivered by Ellen and chips from the Chippie delivered by Fia.  This was the best meal since lock down. She was about to go for her walk when the rain spitted so she backed into the conservatory and binged on TV.  She watched The Soloist and When Harry met Sally.

Day 67:

Dr Anne has to record her three pieces for her music exam.  One would think this was easy but it sure isn't.  She spent much of the day trying to do it before blobbing in front of the telly again watching Normal People, a BBC 3 series set in Sligo and Dublin.

Day 68:

Piano again.  She has now recorded two versions of her pieces but neither are suitable.  At least she has until Friday to get a good version.  She will be out of her head but that time!!!!

Day 69:

Dr Anne sat at the piano for hours trying to record her pieces.  She could not do it.  She must have started 30 times with 30 deletes.  She was relieved to dance at four and then walk around her circuit.  She managed 7852 steps and 4.9K.

Day 70:

Dr Anne couldn't sleep so was up at 5 and made red currant and elderflower sorbet.  She practised her piano and shopped all before 0800.  There was then pilates, Eloise and Niamh.  Both girls have been working on their dancing which is really sound.  Mike the gardener was there to empty pots and tidy while Dr Anne went back to the piano.  She has become so stressed and for what.

Dr Anne went off up the hill to draw breath and enjoyed a peaceful time walking 10247 steps and 6.3K.

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