Wednesday 3 June 2020

Week 11 - New Life

Week 11 of lock down,  Dr Anne can't really believe the new world.  The weather is good most of the time.  The garden looks good although Dr Anne has not really devoted time to it.  She has been preoccupied by pilates, dancing and music.  Her walking this week has been minimal as she has stressed about recording pieces for her music exam.  At 70 years old she knows that she need not stress as nobody really cares if she can play the piano at a high level.  She never performs.  However her internal mechanisms say do it again, and again, and again.  She sweats, she has a pain in her tummy, she shouts, she cries.  Submission date is Friday so it will pass.

Day 71:

The day started with pilates.  This was followed by the weekly music lesson.  Ruby says record now and get rid of it.  Dr Anne went a walk to the coastguard point 7366 steps and 4.7K.  She came back, put on her performance clothes and recorded.  All went well in pieces one and two then she messed up piece three.

The evening was spent on a Google Teams Meeting.  We are due to be awarded the Queen's Award for Community Service.  It will be announced on June 2nd.  A number of candidates have applied for our two posts.  Policies and procedures were discussed, particularly financial procedures.

Day 72:

Today was spent dancing and music.  The video had to be compressed.  Dr Anne waited all day for an email from Trinity to find that it might take 7 days or even more to receive it.  It was stress, stress, stress.  Eloise supported Dr Anne during her lesson and even offered to come and help.  Niamh, Lucy and Ruby were in good form.  Fia lay on the foam mats at Dr Anne's back door sunbathing and telling stories.

Dr Anne delivered her sorbet to Moya on her short walk. She walked to Soyburn then down the railway line, down to the harbour and round the links.  It was 4681 steps and 2.5K.

The daily briefing today said that Scotland moves into phase 1 of the breaking of the lockdown.  Dr Anne can go into someone's garden but socially distance.

Day 73:

The weather was warm and sunny so after Pilates with Wendy Dr Anne headed for the garden to cut the grass, trim the edges and start weeding.  Miss Ellen delivered the fish and Miss Fia came with chips from the Chinese Take away.  Dr Anne was invited to Suzi for drinks in the garden so she dressed up for the first time in months.

Day 74:

Dr Anne went for a 5K 8509 step walk out to the Coastguard Point.  It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny.  She felt that she really needed a big shop so she took out her car and drove to Tesco in Huntly.     It was a beautiful evening so she headed to the garden to weed.

Day 75:

Sunday again, Dr Anne tuned into the service from St Columba's for pentecost.  The Holy Spirit is what drives me.

The afternoon was spent in the garden weeding and tidying.  Dr Anne then had a good walk around the hill circuit then the harbour and the links, 7443 steps and 4.5K.

Day 76:

Dr Anne headed for the White Lodge Nursery.  When she got there she panicked as there were so many cars.  However, after sitting around for a while she went in and managed to get her bedding plants, compost and fleece for the cherry tree.

The weather was warm and sunny so Dr Anne headed for the dell to weed and cut back.  The garden is beginning to look good.  The roses are in bloom and the rhodies and azaleas are in full bloom.

Dr Anne just went up the hill and down the cistern brae as she was feeling a bit weary.

Day 77:

Portsoy Community Enterprise has been awarded the Queen's Award for Community Groups in the Queen's Birthday Honours.  This is the first in Banffshire.

Dr Anne was awake very early so go up and set to work on the leeting for the Development Officer and Marketing Co-ordinator.  She spent most of the day reading and collating the information.

There was the pilates class, and dancing with Eloise and Niamh.  Mike planted Dr Anne's pots.

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