Wednesday 3 June 2020

New Life -Week 6

Dr Anne is now into week 6 of her self isolation.  How are things different from the norm?  The only thing Dr Anne can't do is go into other people's houses.

Dr Anne is now back at music and feels good about it and she shall practise.  Pilates are on the weekly agenda.  The garden is no longer a chore as Dr Anne can go for short periods of time for relaxation rather than x hours when she has to fit it in between what she sees now as non essential 'stuff'.  She is really enjoying her walks and has now walked 126.6K since she went into isolation.  She has a number of circuits which she really enjoys as she contemplates.  She has found a church that suits her needs - St Columba's, Pont Street, London.  The messages give Dr Anne the necessary spiritual lift for the week.  Dr Anne communicates with her friends SS and Greygranite most days and she checks up on GGC most days too.  Suzi and the kids, Shona and the family are on hand for a laugh over the dyke or on What's App. What else does she need?

Day 36:

As she had no walk yesterday Dr Anne set off early for a 9153 step 5.7K to the Coastguard Station and then round the links and harbour.  It was a beautiful day.

She came back and cut the grass for the first time after the big feed.  The ground is desperate for some rain but Dr Anne wants the sun to keep on shining.

She watched The Leisure Seeker on Netflix with Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland as they went on their last journey together down the east coast of America to the Florida Keys to Hemminway's House.  That's the way to do it.  As that wasn't enough she watched Dressed in Black, an Ozzie Film.

And so it goes on.  She needs to get the Geology Wall sorted and the music for the Children's Book of Dances on to the website but at the moment there seems no rush.

Day 37:

It was an extraordinary sunny day.  Dr Anne headed for the Dell.  She pruned, weeded go things ready for their feed.  It was an in and out sort of day as Dr Anne needed a lot of cups of coffee to keep her on task.

At tea time, she set off on her daily exercise.  She went round the little circuit followed by the big circuit.  It was a beautiful calm night and she met lots of people ready to chat at a distance.  Baine, aged 5 has given Dr Anne a bear called Beary to foster.  Dr Anne has to do exciting things with Beary so off course Beary went on the walk too.  The walk lasted two and a bit hours but she only did 10019 steps and 6.2K in all that time.  There was too much chat.

When she came home, Netflix was switched on with Faith, Hope and Love a mindless movie about dancing.

Day 38:

Today is Friday and the end of the working week again.  It was a beautiful sunny day but it felt cold outside.  Dr Anne didn't feel like gardening today.

Wendy Pilates was on Zoom for a 1:1 pilates class.  She put Dr Anne through her paces.  Dr Anne then took her car out of the garage to ensure the battery was charged.

Dr Anne thought she might go to Keith to do some grocery shopping but she turned at Ordiquhill and came home as she couldn't be bothered.

The walk today took Dr Anne and Beary up the hill and over to the Boyne Burn.  It was 8445 steps and 5K.

There is the piano practice to be done.  At least Dr Anne headed into the living room and put her fingers on the keys.  It actually sounded quite good.  If she does a bit more practice she might make her Grade 8.

Day 39:

It is Saturday.  Dr Anne needs to be reminded.  There really is much to do if Dr Anne felt like it.  A third cup of coffee and she is ready to meet Eloise on FaceTime.  They discuss Eloise doing her Dancing Associate and decide to go for it.

Dr Anne went for piano practice.  Now this is a good move.  She needs to step up the practice these next three weeks.  She feels more at ease doing it during the day than in the evening.

Dr Anne decided on the short circuit today (7868 steps and 4.6K) as she intended heading for the garden.  The sun was shining brilliantly but there was a cold wind off the Moray Firth.  There was haar out at sea.  Dr Anne certainly hopes this is not the end of the good spell of weather.  It has been glorious and up lifting.

Gardening didn't come into the agenda again today.  Dr Anne needs to draw up a list and work through  it systematically.

Well, it's back to piano practice.

Day 40:

Dr Anne's commitment to St Columba's, Pont Street continued.   She has found the services spiritually refreshing and the the message has carried Dr Anne through the weeks.  'Keep right on to the end of the road, though you are tired and weary, keep journeying on.' Dr Anne needs this just now.

This was a good walk round the short circuit (3855 steps and 2.7K).  This was probably the shortest walk for the whole six weeks.

Sunday seems to be the day when people want a chat.  Dr Anne was watching Sergio on Netflix about a UN Ambassador who was present at the independence of East Timor and was killed in an explosion on what was to be his last mission in Iraq.

Day 41:

A new working week.  She had a really good piano practice and felt confident that she will do it.  She walked the circuit (7417 steps and 4K).

GGC phoned a number of time as he was suffering from hallucinations.  There was a big fella, a smaller fella, a woman and a child in the living room and the kitchen.  They were moving things.  The moving of things came to a head in the evening and GGC went out and asked someone to come and get rid of the people in his house.  The person suggested GGC call the police but he called me.  Dr Anne decided that something must be done.

Day 42:

The morning disappeared as Dr Anne made contact with health professionals re the hallucinations.  There was prompt help and appointments were made.

Dr Anne abandoned her pilates class but managed an hour with Eloise on her associate course.  Dr Anne walked her circuit  8648 steps and 4.6K and this cleared her head.  She did a bit of piano practice and watched a film - Good Sam.  He gave away his money with no wish for publicity or reward.  

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