Monday 20 August 2012


Dr Anne bought this brilliant little book at the Jewry Church in the city of London.  The rules were written around 1740 but are so relevant for today's world.

There are 36 Rules:

  1. Good purposes and outcome
    1. Always plan what you are doing and the likely outcome. 
  2. Good methods
    1. Always work out how you are going to implement the plans.
  3. Good practice
    1. Purposes and methods must always be put into practice.
  4. Look beyond this world
    1. Eternity is unending so you need to plan for it.
  5. Accept your mortality
    1. One of the certainties in life is that we are going to die.
    2. Plan for a good death.
  6. Repent and live well
    1. Be at peace with God
    2. Don't go for death bed repentance .
  7. Know and obey God's rules
    1. 'Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think of these things.
  8. Be resolute
    1. Arm yourself with determination and resolution.
    2. Reason is the rudder, religion is the compass, determination is the wind that moves you forward.
  9. Do not seek praise
  10. Live by your principles
    1. Make sure you have clear and good principles and live by them.  Don't be swayed from them.
  11. Appropriate action
    1. Be methodical and careful
  12. Be honest to yourself 
  13. Be loving
  14. Be friendly
  15. Be generous
  16. Contentment
    1. Learn to live contentedly.
  17. Do not meddle
  18. Do not be argumentative
  19. Be active
    1. Lead an active life so that you be do good for others and yourself.
  20. Grab the opportunities 
  21. Do not over commit
    1. Don't take on more that you can manage.
  22. Use your skills
    1. When you have skills use them.  If you know your weaknesses admit it and get others to help and use their skills. 
  23. Do not delay 
    1. Do what you can do today.
  24. Prioritise
  25. Time management
    1. Be a good time manager.
  26. Collaboration
    1. If you can't do something get help. Many hands make light work.
  27. Consider the consequences
  28. Consultation
  29. Do not be greedy
  30. Relaxation
    1. Take time of work to relax and then return refreshed.
  31. Look after your health
  32. Self control
  33. Temptation
  34. Choose your friends carefully
  35. Follow good customs
    1. Don't follow the crowd.  Consider your background, customs and culture.
  36. Know God

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