Sunday 5 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 9

Dr Anne was up like the lark this morning.  When she went out the door there were around 30 cars at the traffic lights.  The marshals were setting up the roads for the marathon.  The revellers were still going home from pubs and clubs. The walk to Liverpool Station was quick and she caught the 0359 bus.  She was at Stratford by 0430.

The bus journey was pretty amazing.  Dr Anne was the only person who had been to bed and was ready for the new day.  All were on Saturday mode.  Some were sleeping.  Some were drunk.  Some were revelling. Some were on phones.  The bus stopped and people disappeared into the greyness of dawn.  They would not surface until noon or later.

Dr Anne busied herself at work wiping the coffee dispensing table.  She washed the volunteers tables and swept the carpark floor.  All was looking spick and span.  She then loaded the sandwiches, salad and drinks into the row of fridges.  By that time the volunteers and team members had arrived and been put into their groups.  The remaining time Dr Anne dispensed, apples and water, sun screen and ponchos for the rain.

At 1400 Dr Anne headed for the Men's Tennis final @ the Big Screen with thousands of other people.

Sensational result.


  1. Grey Granite thinks that this must have been day 9...unless day 8 was incredibly long.
    Totally agree, sensational result

  2. Dr Anne was completely knackered last night. She didn't even know the blog had been posted!
