Sunday 12 August 2012

Olympics 2012 Day 16

Dr Anne decided that she would go to Stratford early as she had promised to buy a friend a water bottle from the Mega Shop.  In need of some breakfast she ended up at EAT at the corner of St Paul'a Cathedral.  Crowds were gathering for the Men's Marathon.

Dr Anne changed her plans and stayed to watch.  She stood on a window ledge thinking that she would have a good view as the Marathon went round the same track three times.  Her viewpoint wasn't exactly the best but she met a really nice couple, the husband who will be a driver @ the Para Olympics.  

The truck with the camera men ahead of the front runner.

The Ugandan on the second lap.

Crowds snapping and cheering.

Dr Anne headed for Stratford and work.  She had to work her butt off.  She was left to sign in all volunteers and then present them with badges, stickers, baton and certificate.  There followed the cleaning of tables and sweeping of the car park floor.  The three other volunteers had gone off out doors so Dr Anne volunteered to do the meals.  This was quite a task with what seemed like hundreds coming for sandwiches, drinks, crisps, fruit, granola bars etc... This took her around four hours non stop.  The Manager came and took her to the TV with the closing ceremony.  It seemed a bit boring to Dr Anne so she asked if she could go.  She tried in vain to get into the stadium with the firemen and the police women so she went round the stations saying farewell to some of her friends.  

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