Wednesday 1 August 2012

Boris' London Hat Walk

How many has she found?

Dr Anne was listening to Radio London and heard that the Mayor of London had arranged a Hat Walk this week.  Dr Anne set out to find them.


Sir Arthur Sullivan and The Lady

Robert Burns

General Sir Henry Havelock

King George 1V


The weather was dull and rainy.

Nelson has a Union Jack Hat.

Beau Brummell

President Roosevelt and Churchill

Captain James Fox

Young Lovers

Queen Victoria in the middle of the Blackfriars Bridge

1 comment:

  1. Grey Granite, who notes that Dr Anne was photographed in Bond Street, is able to confirm that replica hats are to be on display in Bt House at London live in Hyde park from Saturday until Augus 12.
    2 have been pinched -surely not Dr Anne?
