Friday 3 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 7

So how did day 7 turn out.  Dr Anne awoke at 0330.  She got up and believe it or not she did the Church Powerpoint for Sunday.  

She caught the 0513 train to St Pancras and then the Javelin to Stratford.  This took around half an hour.  The staff at Stratford are young and lively.  They lack experience of life.  Dr Anne took herself out into the field to the Volunteers and delivered brownies and water...  She dropped by John Lewis to buy over coat for her nails and had them painted blue and red.  She dropped by M&S and bought pants and socks as her washing has not dried in the flat to date.

At 1400 Dr Anne headed for Stenfield.  Margaret picked her up they headed for Hutton Cricket Ground.

The under 11s Hutton Cricket Team

Joseph and his friend who are members of the under 11s.  Joseph is Margaret's grandson.

The under 11s v the under 13s at Hutton Cricket Club.

Dr Anne is sure her followers would have no idea that this would be today's blog.

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