Monday 13 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - the end

Dr Anne went to the Olympics to make a difference, to touch hearts.  Did she manage this even in one small way?  Probably not.  Other people have touched her heart.

As she left the outpost of volunteer positions at Stratford Station last night. Declan the leader of the group pulled the members together and they gave her a cheer for helping them during the fortnight and then there was group photo with her.  She does not have a copy as she didn't expect this.  In the group there was her 'wee man' due to have his A Level results this Thursday @ 0800.  If he gets an A* and 2 As he will be off to Imperial College.  There is the lady with the black scarf who met up with another lass and they both depended on Dr Anne to make sure they were in the same team.  The team leader was special in that he developed his group of individuals into a team.  He depended on Dr Anne for sun cream and water for his group.

There were other team leaders who did really good team work with their own particular personalities - the girl in the red wig, the girl in the purple boa, the girl with the white and black 'turbans'.  There was the leader who liked fresh milk and Dr Anne would buy a carton when they were at Victoria Gate - much more difficult at Stratford.  There were the folk who stepped up to the role of team leader.

Among the volunteers, there was Dr Anne's favourite.  He came late one day.  She sent him home for his outfit.  He was always on time after that.  There was the group of three lads - one going to college, the one at university and the one who had messed up school.  There were a number of French girls and guys who did a terrific job.

There was the Victoria Gate crew.  They were thrown together randomly.  They clung together when the Victoria Gate closed.  Some survived and some gave up.  The survivors -  the boys, Malcolm and Eric, the guy with the moustache and Michael will be remembered.  They were happy, they were committed, they selfless and the girls - the girl whose nose burned red on sunny days and blue on cold nights, the elegant girl with amazing grey hair and the lady with the bobbles again committed, fun and supportive. the Italian girl who had so many questions and issues on day one but was there at the end happy as 'Larry'. There were the little Asian girls who gave Dr Anne a hug ever time she appeared with water sun screen.

The above name only a few... of the great people.  There were those who didn't cope with the mundane job, who found it difficult to come to terms with the task, who were unhappy.  There were the ones who wanted acclaim and went up the levels of management and succeeded.

In the support team there was the Victoria Crew.  The team was small.  The workload was not onerous.  The marquee was light and airy.  There was the Greenway Crew who tended to keep themselves to themselves. There was the Stratford Crew, much bigger.   There was much to do there in the M&S car park.  The characters will not be forgotten.

And so it ended on Sunday 12 August...

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