Saturday 11 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 15

Grey Granite usually keeps Dr Anne up to date with the goings on...

Dr Anne was surfing the web and noticed that there was an exhibition at the Royal Opera House - The Olympic Journey, the story of the Games. Dr Anne changed her plans and set off for Covent Garden and the Royal Opera House.  There was a queue so of course Dr Anne just ambled to the end of the queue.  An attendant came and told Dr Anne that volunteers did not have to queue and he brought her to the head of the queue. This exhibition ran from 28 July - 12 August and was free.  

The exhibition was exceptional.  
There were the origins of the Olympic Games with great multi media displays.  

There followed the Modern Olympic Games.

'The important thing is not the triumph but the fight.  
The essential thing is not to have won but to have fought well'  
Coubertin, father of the Modern Olympic Games

Go higher, longer, stronger.

The third room showed all the torches since the 1956 Olympics in Helsinki with clips of film showing the carrying of the torch.  This was quite intriguing.

The last room's central point were the medals from all the Olympics.  This year's are certainly the largest.  Around the room were clips of the world's most famous Olympians with some of their memorabilia.  

The finale was a picture taken with the torch.

Dr Anne headed from Covent Garden to Stratford for her shift.  There is now a lot of work to be done - signing in, giving out stickers, awarding badges etc.  Dr Anne got the job of checking up on those folk that skive from duties.  This took ages as the spelling and pronunciation of names were difficult.  The workers were fed and watered and then Dr Anne cleaned the tables, the chairs and swept the car park...

One more day to go...

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