Monday 20 August 2012


Dr Anne bought this brilliant little book at the Jewry Church in the city of London.  The rules were written around 1740 but are so relevant for today's world.

There are 36 Rules:

  1. Good purposes and outcome
    1. Always plan what you are doing and the likely outcome. 
  2. Good methods
    1. Always work out how you are going to implement the plans.
  3. Good practice
    1. Purposes and methods must always be put into practice.
  4. Look beyond this world
    1. Eternity is unending so you need to plan for it.
  5. Accept your mortality
    1. One of the certainties in life is that we are going to die.
    2. Plan for a good death.
  6. Repent and live well
    1. Be at peace with God
    2. Don't go for death bed repentance .
  7. Know and obey God's rules
    1. 'Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think of these things.
  8. Be resolute
    1. Arm yourself with determination and resolution.
    2. Reason is the rudder, religion is the compass, determination is the wind that moves you forward.
  9. Do not seek praise
  10. Live by your principles
    1. Make sure you have clear and good principles and live by them.  Don't be swayed from them.
  11. Appropriate action
    1. Be methodical and careful
  12. Be honest to yourself 
  13. Be loving
  14. Be friendly
  15. Be generous
  16. Contentment
    1. Learn to live contentedly.
  17. Do not meddle
  18. Do not be argumentative
  19. Be active
    1. Lead an active life so that you be do good for others and yourself.
  20. Grab the opportunities 
  21. Do not over commit
    1. Don't take on more that you can manage.
  22. Use your skills
    1. When you have skills use them.  If you know your weaknesses admit it and get others to help and use their skills. 
  23. Do not delay 
    1. Do what you can do today.
  24. Prioritise
  25. Time management
    1. Be a good time manager.
  26. Collaboration
    1. If you can't do something get help. Many hands make light work.
  27. Consider the consequences
  28. Consultation
  29. Do not be greedy
  30. Relaxation
    1. Take time of work to relax and then return refreshed.
  31. Look after your health
  32. Self control
  33. Temptation
  34. Choose your friends carefully
  35. Follow good customs
    1. Don't follow the crowd.  Consider your background, customs and culture.
  36. Know God


Lanchester, J. (2012). Capital. London:Faber and Faber Ltd.

Gray Granite advised Dr Anne to get Capital for her Olympic read.  This, she dutifully did.  She didn't quite finish it over the Olympic period so settled today, a sunny day,  in the sheddie.  

This book was centred on Pepys Road, a fictional road in London.  It told the story of a number of families who lived on this street in houses all worth millions of pounds early in the 21st Century.

There was the elderly Petunia Howe with her daughter Mary, son in law Alan and sons Smitty and Ben. Petunia has lived in the house since it was built and was reaching the end of her days.  There were the 'goings on' of the Kamal family from Lahore with their shop and their extended family and contacts. The Younts, Arabella and Roger, their sons and Hungarian nanny lived an extravagant life style until the banks began to fail.  In addition there was Freddy Kamo a very talented footballer from Senegal who came to play in a 1st Division Club but had an accident, Quentina Mkfesi an illegal immigrant from Zimbabwe who was trying to make her way in life, Zibigniew the Polish builder making his money to build a life in Poland for himself and his family, Smitty's assistant Parker French who was out for revenge all played their part in the scenarios.

The glue that held the book together - the post cards and other items sent to the residents.

Grey Granite, this was definitely the correct book to read in London 2012.  She awards it 8/10.  

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Dr Anne on her Journey of Life.

Dr Anne is on her Journey of Life.  

This was taken at the end of the exhibition @ the Royal Opera House.

She does not know where she will be tomorrow.


Dr Anne was in London.  She had wanted to see the Ballgown Exhibition @ the V&A.  She took the tube to Knightsbridge.  There were ball gowns from 1950s - 2011.  There was Helen Mirran's dress from one of the red carpet dos, Princess Diana's dress with the short jacket all pearls and sequins Liz Hurley's dress for the advert 'Pleasures' etc etc.   There was the history of fashion from the 1700s - 2100s.  All in all Dr Anne didn't feel that this exhibition hung together for her very well.

Monday 13 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - the end

Dr Anne went to the Olympics to make a difference, to touch hearts.  Did she manage this even in one small way?  Probably not.  Other people have touched her heart.

As she left the outpost of volunteer positions at Stratford Station last night. Declan the leader of the group pulled the members together and they gave her a cheer for helping them during the fortnight and then there was group photo with her.  She does not have a copy as she didn't expect this.  In the group there was her 'wee man' due to have his A Level results this Thursday @ 0800.  If he gets an A* and 2 As he will be off to Imperial College.  There is the lady with the black scarf who met up with another lass and they both depended on Dr Anne to make sure they were in the same team.  The team leader was special in that he developed his group of individuals into a team.  He depended on Dr Anne for sun cream and water for his group.

There were other team leaders who did really good team work with their own particular personalities - the girl in the red wig, the girl in the purple boa, the girl with the white and black 'turbans'.  There was the leader who liked fresh milk and Dr Anne would buy a carton when they were at Victoria Gate - much more difficult at Stratford.  There were the folk who stepped up to the role of team leader.

Among the volunteers, there was Dr Anne's favourite.  He came late one day.  She sent him home for his outfit.  He was always on time after that.  There was the group of three lads - one going to college, the one at university and the one who had messed up school.  There were a number of French girls and guys who did a terrific job.

There was the Victoria Gate crew.  They were thrown together randomly.  They clung together when the Victoria Gate closed.  Some survived and some gave up.  The survivors -  the boys, Malcolm and Eric, the guy with the moustache and Michael will be remembered.  They were happy, they were committed, they selfless and the girls - the girl whose nose burned red on sunny days and blue on cold nights, the elegant girl with amazing grey hair and the lady with the bobbles again committed, fun and supportive. the Italian girl who had so many questions and issues on day one but was there at the end happy as 'Larry'. There were the little Asian girls who gave Dr Anne a hug ever time she appeared with water sun screen.

The above name only a few... of the great people.  There were those who didn't cope with the mundane job, who found it difficult to come to terms with the task, who were unhappy.  There were the ones who wanted acclaim and went up the levels of management and succeeded.

In the support team there was the Victoria Crew.  The team was small.  The workload was not onerous.  The marquee was light and airy.  There was the Greenway Crew who tended to keep themselves to themselves. There was the Stratford Crew, much bigger.   There was much to do there in the M&S car park.  The characters will not be forgotten.

And so it ended on Sunday 12 August...

Sunday 12 August 2012


What do you know about Wenlock?

Wenlock's name comes from the small town of Much Wenlock in Shropshire. which is considered by many as the birthplace of the modern Olympics.  Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic movement visited the town in 1890 to view Wenlock Olympic Games organised by Dr William Penny Brookes.  The Wenlock Games impressed de Coubertin so much that he used their ideals as the basis of an international sporting competition which marked the beginning of the modern Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens.

Wenlock has a number of interesting features that reflect elements of the Olympics and London.
  1. The 'w' light reflects the London taxis.
  2. The three spikes on Wenlock's head represent the podium where athletes will collect their medals.
  3. Wenlock's one eye is actually a video camera so that it can record everything it sees. 
  4. The bracelets are friendship bands in the colours of the five Olympic rings.
You can find Wenlock all over London in different guises.  Dr Anne found only a few.

Olympics 2012 Day 16

Dr Anne decided that she would go to Stratford early as she had promised to buy a friend a water bottle from the Mega Shop.  In need of some breakfast she ended up at EAT at the corner of St Paul'a Cathedral.  Crowds were gathering for the Men's Marathon.

Dr Anne changed her plans and stayed to watch.  She stood on a window ledge thinking that she would have a good view as the Marathon went round the same track three times.  Her viewpoint wasn't exactly the best but she met a really nice couple, the husband who will be a driver @ the Para Olympics.  

The truck with the camera men ahead of the front runner.

The Ugandan on the second lap.

Crowds snapping and cheering.

Dr Anne headed for Stratford and work.  She had to work her butt off.  She was left to sign in all volunteers and then present them with badges, stickers, baton and certificate.  There followed the cleaning of tables and sweeping of the car park floor.  The three other volunteers had gone off out doors so Dr Anne volunteered to do the meals.  This was quite a task with what seemed like hundreds coming for sandwiches, drinks, crisps, fruit, granola bars etc... This took her around four hours non stop.  The Manager came and took her to the TV with the closing ceremony.  It seemed a bit boring to Dr Anne so she asked if she could go.  She tried in vain to get into the stadium with the firemen and the police women so she went round the stations saying farewell to some of her friends.  

Saturday 11 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 15

Grey Granite usually keeps Dr Anne up to date with the goings on...

Dr Anne was surfing the web and noticed that there was an exhibition at the Royal Opera House - The Olympic Journey, the story of the Games. Dr Anne changed her plans and set off for Covent Garden and the Royal Opera House.  There was a queue so of course Dr Anne just ambled to the end of the queue.  An attendant came and told Dr Anne that volunteers did not have to queue and he brought her to the head of the queue. This exhibition ran from 28 July - 12 August and was free.  

The exhibition was exceptional.  
There were the origins of the Olympic Games with great multi media displays.  

There followed the Modern Olympic Games.

'The important thing is not the triumph but the fight.  
The essential thing is not to have won but to have fought well'  
Coubertin, father of the Modern Olympic Games

Go higher, longer, stronger.

The third room showed all the torches since the 1956 Olympics in Helsinki with clips of film showing the carrying of the torch.  This was quite intriguing.

The last room's central point were the medals from all the Olympics.  This year's are certainly the largest.  Around the room were clips of the world's most famous Olympians with some of their memorabilia.  

The finale was a picture taken with the torch.

Dr Anne headed from Covent Garden to Stratford for her shift.  There is now a lot of work to be done - signing in, giving out stickers, awarding badges etc.  Dr Anne got the job of checking up on those folk that skive from duties.  This took ages as the spelling and pronunciation of names were difficult.  The workers were fed and watered and then Dr Anne cleaned the tables, the chairs and swept the car park...

One more day to go...

Friday 10 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 14

There is little to report today as Dr Anne had to work her butt off for the first time.  

After a leisurely forenoon Dr Anne met Libby at Hyde Park.  The intention had been to go to Park Live but Libby was due to catch her train @ 1320 and Dr Anne was on duty at 1330.  They eventually went for lemonade @ Henry's Cafe Bar.  They decided that that would be their meeting place in the future.  

Dr Anne headed for Stratford.  There was the usual crowd of people behind the barrier when she arrived.  One got ones orders from the most anal retentive of the crowd.  Andrew was called to the Greenway Gate and disappeared and the rest left at 1400.  This left Alex and Anne with the leader.  There was much to do signing in, giving out stickers and badges, a lucky dip etc... This was the first bit of pressure of the fortnight.  However, once it was over it was the sun cream rounds and the issue of batteries and incident reports.  

Dr Anne's  final task was to tidy the coffee making table, wipe the meal tables and sweep the floor.  The last thing Dr Anne expected when she applied to volunteer at the Olympics was to sweep a car park.  She does, however have the experience of sweeping the garage at home so no dust is left unturned.  People are so untidy.  There were bits of biscuits, crisps,  bottle tops, sesame seeds from the sandwiches...................

Hope there is more exciting news tomorrow.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Olympics - 2012 Day 13

Today was quite a different day.  Dr Anne got a voice mail telling her to go to Stratford for her shift.  Was she happy?

This is today's team.

It was Libby's last day so she was presented with a stainless steel baton. 

Dr Anne was kept busy for most of the day doing her chores - cleaning tables, sweeping the carpark floor, answering queries etc.  She noted that other members of the team were now doing what she had done last week - a rucksack with water and treats.

By half past six most of the chores were complete.  Dr Anne set off to meet her cousin once removed his wife and three children.  They had been to the handball and were watching the big screen.  They all had a beer together and watched the 200 metres final.

Becky, George, Ella, Nick and Harry

Harry came to meet Dr Anne and accompany her to the space where they were seated.  

Afterwards Dr Anne and Libby met up at the Orbit.  They had heard on the grapevine that volunteers got in free between 2130 and 2200. Confident after yesterday's adventure they decided to give it a go.

Dr Anne and Libby at the top of the Orbit with the stadium as a back drop.

A view of the stadium from the top of the Orbit

The stadium from the top of the Orbit.

A nice day with nice people doing nice things..........................

Olympics 2012 Day - 12

Dr Anne was up fresh and motivated again after her two days holiday.  She was on duty at the Greenway Hub.  She arrived in plenty time.  She found out that five people were on duty for a job that two could do easily.  Libby, the young lady from Somerset arrived too, she being a Victoria Gate person too.  One of the volunteers said we could have the day off... 

Dr Anne spoke to the manager who kind of shrugged his shoulders.  Off went Libby and Dr Anne.  They were not angry, they were not sad, they were more frustrated really.  What would they do?  It gets a bit boring walking round the park.  

The two headed for the stadium.  The morning audience was coming out so they just walked in.  They went to the help desk and were told that they should not have got that far and should leave.  They wanted to see the flame.

See the flame they did.

What to do now.  It was around 1430.  They looked around the stadium and breathed it in.  They went up to one of the top seats and sat there very happily.  Gradually around 1600 the staff came on duty but they didn't bother the two.  The public started coming in and with a full capacity audience they had to rethink their strategy.  They went out and edged up to a mature volunteer.  They were told that they shouldn't be there but he wasn't going to report them.  He advised hanging around the food area until the start of the evening session then go to the disabled area and keep moving during the session.

The two went to a corner for supper and chat then after 1830 they went in...  They saw the long jump, the high jump, the javelin, the 100m hurdles semis and final, the 1500 metres final and the 200 metres semis. 

the high jump

competitors for the javelin

women's 1500 metre final


So what was their high spot?

400 metres semis, Mr Bolt... right there in front of us.

So there you have Day 12...

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - Time Out

Dr Anne had the day off on Monday and Tuesday, sorely needed.  She set off to the Royal Academy for the annual Summer Exhibition.  There are some established artists and some new.  There are a variety of media.  Dr Anne hasn't quite worked out the best way to view this exhibition.  She just looks and breaths the pictures.

Elizabeth Blackadder had four paintings - a cat, two of flowers and one of the Japanese theme. (See Gray Granite the trip last August was worthwhile.)

Dr Anne particularly enjoyed Bernard Dunstan whose paintings were about music practice.  There was one with a grand piano, one with a harp, one a rehearsal.

There was a gigantic painting by Aselm Kiefer based on the Lebanon and Gaza with a gun called Samson which was pretty awesome and the winner of the exhibition.

Waiting to Know by John Wragg was also a favourite.

From the exhibition Dr Anne crossed the road to buy a bottle of champagne to share with Chiku before they went out on a girlie night.

Chiku and Dr Anne headed for Leicester Square and China Town for supper. The aubergines were to die for.

Afterwards they headed for Chariots of Fire at they Gielgud on Shaftesbury Avenue.  Dr Anne had bought the best seats possible and she and Chiku ended up on the stage at the back of a raised round floor.  The were six rows there in total in three tiered sections.  This was an awe inspiring performance.  It started with 2012 athletes warming up and running around a track among the audience.  The story developed very much as in the film but the impact was something else.  The atmosphere was electric.  Dr Anne nearly stood up and performed as she was so involved.  

There was a standing ovation at the end.

Today Dr Anne and Chiku slept late.  They chatted and they chatted before they headed for Hyde Park and the big screens.  There were four big screens and numerous eating places.  The crowds were sitting on 'bark'.  Seen were gymnastics, dressage, boxing handball and synchronised swimming.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 10

Dr Anne has spent a lot of time talking to the team members (the paid last milers) and the volunteers.  She thought she would share.

Many of the team members have been taken from the unemployed.  There is a feeling that they don't have the same motivation as the volunteers, maybe but maybe not.

Some are school leavers waiting for exam results due in a couple of weeks.  One example is of an endearing young guy who is hoping for two A* and an A - Maths, Further Maths and Physics.  If he gets them he will go to Imperial College for mechanical engineering.  If he doesn't get the top results 3 As will take him to Bristol.  He is going to take a gap year and look for an internship.  By that time he should have his British Passport and not have to pay international student fees.  He was so mature in his conversation.  He told one needs confidence and humility to do well.

Dr Anne had three chats with a group of boys who were tired... One is at university doing forensics.  He failed some exams and didn't know if he was going to do the resist.  Another was waiting for his results and the third had messed about at school and was unemployed.  All were worrying about getting a job.

There were quite a number of French, some were given leave of absence from work to attend.  One young lad, at least 7 feet tall works in Paris and has leave of absence with pay.  He got a call a couple of days ago offering him promotion in the organisation in Lyon next spring.  Celebration called.

The volunteers have been mixed.  While some have complained about 'Death by Sandwiches', boring task, no tickets for events, fed up... others have accepted the task with enthusiasm, energy and good nature.

Horses for courses...

Being in uniform the others in uniform smile and chat at the station, in the tube, on the bus, in the street, in the eating places.   Yesterday in the park, a couple were on their way to the athletics.  They were lucky to get two sets of tickets.  Two men were also off to the athletics.  One guy showed Dr Anne different apps for her phone.  (She didn't tell them that she didn't have a phone with internet.)  A family were looking for late tickets and decided to sit and watch Murray.  Two men were going to the cycling.

Olympics 2012 - Day 9

Dr Anne was up like the lark this morning.  When she went out the door there were around 30 cars at the traffic lights.  The marshals were setting up the roads for the marathon.  The revellers were still going home from pubs and clubs. The walk to Liverpool Station was quick and she caught the 0359 bus.  She was at Stratford by 0430.

The bus journey was pretty amazing.  Dr Anne was the only person who had been to bed and was ready for the new day.  All were on Saturday mode.  Some were sleeping.  Some were drunk.  Some were revelling. Some were on phones.  The bus stopped and people disappeared into the greyness of dawn.  They would not surface until noon or later.

Dr Anne busied herself at work wiping the coffee dispensing table.  She washed the volunteers tables and swept the carpark floor.  All was looking spick and span.  She then loaded the sandwiches, salad and drinks into the row of fridges.  By that time the volunteers and team members had arrived and been put into their groups.  The remaining time Dr Anne dispensed, apples and water, sun screen and ponchos for the rain.

At 1400 Dr Anne headed for the Men's Tennis final @ the Big Screen with thousands of other people.

Sensational result.

Friday 3 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 7

So how did day 7 turn out.  Dr Anne awoke at 0330.  She got up and believe it or not she did the Church Powerpoint for Sunday.  

She caught the 0513 train to St Pancras and then the Javelin to Stratford.  This took around half an hour.  The staff at Stratford are young and lively.  They lack experience of life.  Dr Anne took herself out into the field to the Volunteers and delivered brownies and water...  She dropped by John Lewis to buy over coat for her nails and had them painted blue and red.  She dropped by M&S and bought pants and socks as her washing has not dried in the flat to date.

At 1400 Dr Anne headed for Stenfield.  Margaret picked her up they headed for Hutton Cricket Ground.

The under 11s Hutton Cricket Team

Joseph and his friend who are members of the under 11s.  Joseph is Margaret's grandson.

The under 11s v the under 13s at Hutton Cricket Club.

Dr Anne is sure her followers would have no idea that this would be today's blog.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 6

Dr Anne was up with the lark today having had a great sleep and set off for work around 0600.  She arrived at Westfield Shopping Centre and had breakfast @ EAT.  She then headed for the car park for registration.  She was back to her support role today.  There were others there earlier than her so she took a back role for a while to measure their friendliness.  The 'Victoria Gate' people are after all the outsiders.  However, the troups were friendly and things went fine. 

The excitement for today was a free ticket for the basketball arena.  There were 5 volunteers chosen for the Tunisia v Argentina match and the Russia v Brazil match.  What a thrill.

The Basketball Arena

Three of the chosen four from the Last Milers seen marching towards the Basketball Stadium.  It was a good 20 minute hike.  The other lad was from Paris.

The Basketball Stadium gets nearer.

There were  representatives from a variety of the sections of volunteers.  They each had to change their top so that they did not look like volunteers filling the empty VIP seats.  

The group was collected @ 1440 and marched into the VIP Section.  It was packed with people and for the first time Dr Anne would say that she had a real Olympic atmosphere. 

A view of the stadium

The Argentinians leaving the court after their win over the Tunisians.

The Tunisians leaving the court. 

The Russians leaving the court after their win over the Brazilians.  This was a really exciting match with a win in the last few seconds.

The Brazilians leaving the court.

The atmosphere was brilliant.  During the intervals there was amazing entertainment - break dancing, gymnastics, skipping.

The Skippers

The Gymnasts

The time sped past and it was time for home.  Dr Anne had her first hot meal for days - a hot vegetable paste from one of the varied stalls at the Food Court (Grey Granite - better choices than Chelsea).  Dr Anne is suffering death by sandwiches at the moment...

Dr Anne had intended finishing the Hat Walk but Greygranite says they will be in Hyde Park from Saturday so she may head there at the weekend and find the rest.