Saturday 7 July 2012

Paris 2012

A few weeks ago Dr Anne watched a DVD: Midnight in Paris.  At midnight the young guy, Gil went up to Montmartre stepped into a car and went back in time.  He met the 'people of the day': the Gatsbys, Picasso, Dali, Stein, Gauguin, Degas etc. etc.....

With the latest edition of the Lonely Planet Guide Dr Anne and JD walked the Marais, the Latin Quarter and Montmartre.

James Joyce lived up here in 1921 in a courtyard flat.
He finished editing Ulysses here.

Place de Contrescarpe
There are four Judas Trees.
Hemingway called this a 'cesspool'.
It looked pretty smart to Dr Anne.

Hemingway lived in the 1st Floor Flat with his first wife Hadley.
Experiences were used in 'The Sun also rises.'

George Orwell lived here and worked as a dishwasher.
Read about it in 'Down and out in Paris and London' (1933)

Oscar Wilde died here of meningitis in 1900.
Jorge Luis Borges also stayed here.

Hotel Angleterre was the British Embassy in Paris where the Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Hay signed the treaty recognising American Independence in 1873.

There were certainly no cars then...

Henry Miller stayed here and later wrote about the experience in 'Letters to Emil' (1989).

A favourite cafe for Jean-Paul Satre and Simone de Beavoir.

Gertrude Stein lived here entertaining Picasso, Matisse, Braque, Gauguin and Pound.

Ezra Pound lived here in a flat full of Japanese paintings.  

Van Gogh moved in here with his brother and stayed with him for three years.

1 comment:

  1. Grey Granite is impressed by the literary/artistic significance of the locations Dr Anne and JD visited. (And by the sunshine)
