Monday 30 July 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 3

Day three turned out to be bright but cool.  Dr Anne set off in good time and decided to enter the Olympic Park by the Stratford Gate which is the main entrance.  She arrived in good time for her shift and headed into M&S which is at the entrance to Westfield Shopping Centre.  

She decided to buy some tea and digestive biscuits for the team. She remembered that one of the team leaders did not like the milk so bought some fresh milk.  That was a bad idea as one cannot get into the park with liquid over 100ml. 

Dr Anne had to retrace her steps on the underground come off at Bow Road and walk the mile up to the Victoria Park.  The early shift had reorganised the marquee again...

The team for the afternoon shift was Chris from Yorkshire, Libby from Somerset and the boss Meghan from Vancouver.

After the team was signed in, divided into teams and sent out on the last mile to the Victoria Gate, Chris, Libby and Anne set about organising the marquee for the day. This done they set out on the last mile to rally the groups.  It was a happy crew that they met.

Foam hands were much in evidence.  When they come out of the the cellophane they expand.  They are much sought after. 

There are high chairs and megaphones.

Happy faces

Friendly people

Beautiful smiles

Visitors being shown the way

Chatty people

Focused directions

Which way is the right way?

Great camaraderie

The pearly kings and queens who took part in the Opening Ceremony stopped for a chat.

Eric coming out of the tunnel with Libby

The transport guys were more interested in their iPhones.

Is that the way to 2012?

Meghan on the 2012 bike comes racing towards the group.

Well guys and girls, that is the majority of today's team.  The rest were probably having a tea break.  You can tell that they were a happy team.

Tomorrow Dr Anne has a day off.  She has not decided what she is doing.  She may go to the Olympic Park for a look around as a visitor.  She has free entry.  She may go to the Tate Modern.  

Watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. One can but ask oneself if a pair of pink foam hands will appear on the wall in the sheddie @ East Neuk. They would make a great talking point...
