Friday 20 July 2012

A Ginger Cat

Dr Anne had an adventure with a ginger cat which has recently arrived on Chapel Street. She had seen it going about in the garden especially in the shrubbery where there have been nests.  She had seen it mooching around the utility room.

However, yesterday Dr Anne came in from Buckie and left the door open, she thinks.  Dr Anne was in the conservatory and walked through to go to the bedroom to find the cat coming out of her mum's bedroom.  It looked up surprised and ran through the hall to the living room and jumped on the window sill behind the curtains knocking over an ornament.  When Dr Anne got there shouting it jumped off down behind the curtain and headed quickly quickly across the floor and under the chaise longue.  The cat didn't really know where to go so it popped out snarled and showed its teeth then headed back under again.  Dr Anne snarled and showed her teeth. She then went for the feather duster and waved it about in the air and hitting the chair. The cat ran hither and thither.  It was up on top of the chairs, under the chairs,  in front of the chairs and round behind the chairs.  Eventually Dr Anne edged it into the front porch and quickly closed the inner door.  Gotya,  she thought.  It jumped onto the window sill while she fumbled to get the front door unlocked.  When the door opened it leapt over her arm and out the door on to Aird Street.  

Dr Anne has looked under  mum's bed, under the shelves and behind the curtains to see if it had shit or pissed.  She hasn't smelt anything nor seen anything.  Dr Anne assumes it hadn't been there since the morning as she has often left the back door open for fresh air.   Never again.

Does one need an adventure... or not.


  1. The cat really wants to live here. It spent the whoe day in the garden lying in wait for me. I bet it is in the summer house at this very moment.

  2. Rufus will deal with this problem when he visits next week.
    He has advanced cat expulsion skills.
