Sunday 29 July 2012

Olympics 2012 - Day 2

Dr Anne set off around 1245.  The tubes were running late so Dr Anne had to sprint up Fairfield Road and Parnell Road then across the grass to the marquee.  She arrived a couple of minutes late.  She had a new operations person, Emma.  The weather proved to be very wet and cool.  The skies had ominous black clouds, heavy showers then sunshine. The volunteers were cold and weary at meal times.  

A spectacular sky on the walk home through the park.

It was pretty nice to see the volunteers and team members coming in with happy faces ready for another shift.  Dr Anne and Emma marked off the names and handed out water, sun screen, rain capes and foam fingers.  They then set to reorganising the marquee - lumping and humping mostly.  By the time that this was done it was time to sort out the food and drinks for snack time and dinner.  The volunteers had been promised a hot meal and all they have been given to date have been sandwiches, fruit and muesli bars.  Today it was decided to microwave the sandwiches - chicken panini and brie and onion chutney.  This went down a treat. Happy faces?

This guy goes around on a bike around the mile to the Victoria Gate.
Here he cleans his 2012 bike.

Happy face?

The boss Vicki from Ontario

The bobbies wanted foam fingers for the inspector.

The volunteers enjoyed their warm sandwiches.
The guy on the right at the front table (Eric Woods) is from Ireland and works contracts for Dod's friend Lana in Bangladesh.

The Italian girl in the middle of the group had a lot of complaints and questions yesterday.  She liked her warm sandwich.  

So what will day 3 bring?

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