Wednesday 18 March 2020

A Solo Trip

Dr Anne set off on on a solo trip this summer. She wanted to know if she could go travelling by herself.  She headed for the  Baltics.

First stop was Bergen.  Dr Anne had been there with her mother in the 90s.  She remembered the Bryggen, the fish market, the cable car, the open air theatre and the amazing cod.  This t8me around Dr Anne wandered around soaking up memories.

Dr Anne took the train up over the mountains and down into Oslo.  She had never been there so took the hop on hop off bus.  She then chose to spend time at the Peace Museum and the Sculpture Garden.  She had never see so many nudes.  Norway was expensive but the sun shone and the atmosphere was brilliant.

A train from Oslo to Stockholm was a pleasant afternoon with a gentleman who was on his way to his third Bob Dylan Concert in 10 days.

Stockholm again was a memory trip.  Dr Anne and her mother visited in the 90s.  She remembered the races, the sculpture park, the old town.  The highlight this time was the ABBA Museum.  Dr Anne     danced with ABBA, sang with ABBA.  Fun, fun, fun.

Dr Anne sailed from Stockholm to Tallinn on a ferry that was like cruise ship.  The views as they sailed the archipelago reminded Anne of Gloucester Pool and Little Go Home Bay.  She felt quite

Estonia was a special trip.  There was the dance festival,  the music festival, the parade and then the song festival.  There was the trip east to Ulle and Meelis, the narrow gauge railway, the castle based on Balmoral, foraging for strawberries and mushrooms, Estonian food, a vodka,

A short ferry ride to Helsinki and Dr Anne had a fun day at IKEA, the art museum, food at the fish market and music on the High Street.

How was Dr Anne going get home.  Copenhagen... she had been there three times so many memories.  Tivoli Gardens, the mermaid, the Strøget.

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