Tuesday 7 October 2014

Tribute to the Jews

Dr Anne and. Lois have done a number of tours focusing on the Jewish Community in Europe.

They started with a tour in Prague visiting the recently opened museum dedicated to the Czech Jews who perished in the Second World War followed by a tour of the old Jewish Cemetery.  The cemetery was not destroyed as the Nazis wanted it as a memorial to an extinct race.

The Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague

In Kraków they took a tour of the Jewish Quarters.  

The oldest synagogue in Kraków.

Looking over the river Vistula to the Jewish Ghetto.

The Jewish Cemetery in Kraków.

Where part of Schindler's List was filmed.

A memorial to the Jews.  Here they were rounded up from the Ghetto and frog marched to the train to be taken to the concentration camp near the Ukrainian border.  When the Soviets marched on the Eastern Front in 1942 this concentration camp was closed and covered over.  Its existence was recently discovered.  

A pause for thought.

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