Thursday 18 September 2014

The Old Town of Dresden

Dr Anne and Lois headed for the old town of Dresden.  Four eras shaped the city - the golden age in the mid 18th century under Augustus the Strong, the city's destruction by fire bombs in WW2, the communist regime (1945 - 1989), and the current 'reconstruction after reunification'.

The Hof Kirche

The Chapel at the Hof Kirche 

The Frauenkirche

The Dome in the Frauenkirche

The Royal Palace - museums

The Royal Palace

The Zwinger Palace - museums

The Parade of Nobles built with 24000 tiles of Meissen porcelain illustrates 700 years of Saxon royalty.

1 comment:

  1. Grey Granite's friend, the late Helen Eschrich, an English lady who married Werner, her German pen friend shortly before the outbreak of WW2 was a refugee from Dresden around the time of the terrible bombing. She had one small child and gave birth to her daughter in a ditch, so stole a pram to ease her walk across Europe to the UK where Werner was eventually able to join her. Helen didn't tell her parents in the UK that she had children because she thaought it would be so appalling for them to know the circumstances in which their grandchildren were living. Helen was extremely, courageous, unassuming , wise and well read.
