Sunday 21 September 2014

Post Referendum

Dr Anne and Lois have just returned from  a visit to an exhibition of contemporary art.  The title was German Angst and Social Motions.  It was all very poignant in the aftermath of the Scottish Referendum.  

Dr Anne has taken the exhibits to illustrate her feelings at this time of missed opportunities.  This poem was used in the German Angst section.  

'Once more it is night and we watch. 

People of our country see 
Us, it's guardians
Full of goodwill towards the well intended citizen.'

He who, in order to know
What danger threatens, reads papers,
Each day at breakfast indignant 
Over some distant disaster,
Each day informed of what happened the day before,
He finds it hard to perceive what is happening now
Beneath his own roof.'

'Many things may start a fire
But not every fire that starts
Is the work of inexorable fate
Much can be avoided
By common sense.'

'He who fears change 
More than disaster
What can he do to forestall
The threatening disaster.'

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