Monday 3 May 2010

Tulip Festival at Cambo Castle

Dr Anne and her friend Sandra made their way to Cambo Castle, the seat of the Erskines for the first every tulip festival. Famed for their snowdrops this was their first tulip festival. Anna Pavord gardening correspondent for the Independent and the Telegraph gave a fascinating illustrated talk on 'the tulip'. This was followed by a signing of her books. Present were members of the Blom family (the fifth generation) famed for their tulip bulbs and Ken Cox of Glendoick. Lady Erskine introduced Anna and led the question session.
There was a display of 6000 tulips in the Potager Garden and a wonderful show of cut tulips from Bloms in the garage.
Dr Anne invested in the purchase of a variety of tulips for spring 2010. She intends putting them in pots initiallly. Tulips need good drainage and a baking hot sun. The do not bloom annually particularly the ones with the virus. They like a good compost and some grit. Where the soil is light the tulips can be planted deeper than in heavy soils.
Walks around the estate were greatly enjoyed. Spring had well and truly arrived. Trees were in bud and the undergrowth was very green.
To Dr Anne's delight there were sculptures both environmentally friendly like the pigs below and the ornamental in the walled garden.

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