Tuesday 11 May 2010

Crows and Starlings

There are two crows who like to live at East Neuk. They sit on the dyke cawing and fly into the birch tree. They are seen with bread in their beaks and yesterday Dr Anne found their cache under some flowers. She removed it. Today they are back with bread in their beaks with a new cache among the roses.

Yesterday a flock of at least 30 starlings landed on the grass and spent some time picking out worms then they disappeared as quickly as they arrived.

Two blue tits are in the box at the top of the garden. They spend a lot of time in the birch tree. Unfortunately the new neighbour has a cat and it can be seen in the dell under the birch tree.

The collar doves spend much of their time in the birch tree or on the arch. Where is their nest? The holly tree?

The blackbirds are in the garden but the nest is next door behind the Wendy house.

A robin has appeared. It looks very thin.

1 comment:

  1. Grey Granite and Rufus are much annoyed by a pair of collared doves which are nesting in the honeysuckle on the pergola outside Grey Granite's study window. This is an annual annoyance. The birds are noisy, their nest is ramshackle and sheds twigs and leaves on to the new path. Tidying up after them is a constant occupation. They annoy Rufus by crashing about in an ungainly fashion.However, once he has dealt with the doves Rufus offers to come and deal with Dr Anne's invading cat.
