Tuesday 18 May 2010

Maintenance in May

The first rosebud of summer

Anna Pavord in the Independent on 8 May indicated that May is the month when work must be done. Today was the day. The grass was cut then raked and cut again. The edges were given tender loving care. Maybe the grass will get fed this week. Maybe the frosts have gone or maybe not.

The daffodil pots and tulip pots were emptied and the bulbs laid out to bake. Anna Pavord said that tulip bulbs need good drainage and a baking hot sun. Dr Anne doesn't know if she has done the right thing but today they are laid out on trays to bake. Meanwhile the bulb compost was scattered on the empty rockery. The rockery is still being given thought. The free dianthus from Parkers were planted out. The new lavender went in the pot beside the dinosaur egg. The baskets were given some compost although the contents are not bought yet. Dr Anne does not put bedding plants out until June at East Neuk.

The rose beds were weeded. The first rose is opening on the arch. The lily of the valley is coming into flower and oh that special smell reminds Dr Anne fondly of Mrs McArthur's best friend Jenny. She must take some bunches to the cemetery even although they only last a day or so. The dell is a carpet of purple with the violets. Oh the wonder of it all.............

Dr Anne even put weed killer on the chuckies.

Oh .......... there is much to be done. The shrubbery is full of weeds and the dell has these yellow poppies which must be howked out using the dandelion howker given to Dr Anne by Mrs McArthur when she won £10 on the Lottery. But... one must also sit and enjoy the wonder of the garden. Dr Anne opened the 'Sheddie' for such thoughts.


  1. Grey Granite cannot bear to remove the beautiful yellow 'Welsh' poppies which seed freely about her Darwinian Bank. She had breakfast sitting in her arbour and wondering at the marvel of the Appledorm tulips growing beside it. Later she too began to lift tulips and daffodils from her containers, she will put them out to bake, this always works well. The containers are a source of worry. Rufus has taken to burying and reburying his chews in them. What can be planted that will withstand being dug up and sat upon by Rufus several times a day?
