Friday 7 May 2010

The Gab of May

Sunset Apple Blossom
Grape Hyacinths and Tulips
Bergenias in the Dell
The Tibetan Cherry
Since Dr Anne's return from Cambo there has been three days of rain and although today is sunny it has been very cold. There is the threat of snow next week. However, spring is here. The apple trees are in blossom. The grape hyacinths provide an amazing show especially with yellow tulips. The bergenias are in full flower. The trees are in leaf. The ferns are uncurling. The hostas are a couple of centimetres above the earth. The begonias have at last peeped throught the soil in the little greenhouse. There is hope...


  1. Grey Granite wonders what replaces the grape hyacinths later in the year, feeling certain that Dr A would not tolerate the untidy patch of leaves which remain after Grey Granite's have flowered.

  2. Dr Anne will let the leaves die down for maybe four weeks then cut them back. Meanwhile the roses will come into bloom.
