Sunday 5 July 2020

Expressions of Lockdown

Dr Anne had the impulsion to log every one of her 12 weeks x 7 days of lockdown.  She wanted to see how she reacted to being shut off from her friends and neighbours and what she would do.  She has spent a lot of time doing nothing.  She gets up late and goes to bed late.  She hears 'Sailing by' nearly every night.


The Freezer

Dr Anne went to her freezer and found endless tubs of red currants.  She made red currant jelly but...  Morag told her to make sorbet and that was a great success.

Red Currant and Mint Jelly

500g red currants
500g sugar
1/2 lemon juice
mint leaves

Wash the red currants and put them into a large preserving and with 500ml of water and a sprig of mint.  Slowly bring to the boil.

Stir and press the redcurrants to break down the fruit.

Remove from heat and pour the contents into a jelly bag.  Leave overnight.

Place the juice in a pan with the lemon and sugar.  Allow sugar to melt,  then bring to a rapid boil for 10 - 15 minutes or until setting point is reached.

Remove from the heat and stir in the chopped mint.

Pour into sterilised jars.

Red Currant and Elderflower Sorbet

450 grams
2 tablespoons elderflower cordial
140 grams golden caster sugar

Put red currants in a pan with 2 tbsp water.  Bring to the boil, lower the heat, cover and simmer for 5 minutes until soft.

Remove from heat and pour the contents into a jelly bag.  Leave overnight.

Stir the elderflower cordial into the red currant liquid and set to one side to cool.

Put the caster sugar in a pan with 300ml of water, leave over a low heat for 5 mins until the sugar dissolves.  Raise the heat and boil 10 mins.

Tip the red currant mixture into the syrup and mix.  Return to boil, turn down and simmer for 2 minutes.

Cool, pour into a container and freeze for 3-4 hours until frozen.

Found in the freezer were numerous bags of gooseberries.  What should she do?  Well, she made gooseberry and gin jam, gooseberry and elderflower jam,  gooseberry and elderflower jelly, gooseberry and elderflower puree.

Gooseberry and Gin Jam

1kg gooseberries
1 kg granulated sugar
150ml gin

Put gooseberries and gin into a preserving pan.  Bring to the boil and simmer for about 10 minutes until the fruit is softened. Add the sugar and cook over a low heat until it is fully dissolved. Increase the heat and boil rapidly for 8 - 10 minutes.

Once the jam is ready, turn off the heat, skim any scum or use a knob of butter to disperse it.  Ladle the jam into sterilised jars.

Gooseberry and Elderflower Jam

1 kg gooseberries
1 kg granulated sugar
150ml water
4 tablespoons elderflower cordial

Put gooseberries and water in a preserving pan.  Bring to the boil and simmer for around 15 minutes. Add sugar and cook over a low heat until it is fully dissolved.  Increase the heat and boil rapidly for 8 - 10 minutes. When set, stir in the elderflower cordial and allow to settle for 15 minutes before pouring it into sterilised jars.

Apple and Chilli Jelly

All that is left now is apple juice.  There are enough cartons to make many pots of apple and chilli jelly. The apples have been quartered and boiled to mush then strained through the jelly bag before freezing.

1litre juice
1kg sugar
level teaspoon of chilli flakes

Bring to apple juice to boil and stir in the sugar untilled dissolved.  Reduce the heat and carefully skim off any scum.  Return to the boil and boil vigorously for 15 -20 minutes.

Remove pan from heat and leave to settle.  Skim the surface.  Pour the jelly into sterilised jars.


Dr Anne was due to take her Grade 8 piano exam in piano on 23 March.  At Christmas her music teacher told her to step up her practice to 4 hours per day.  This, she almost achieved and then lockdown...

Dr Anne gave up practising for around 5 weeks then she heard that she had to video her three pieces and send them to Trinity.  Dr Anne's weakest aspect are her pieces.  Nevertheless she got going.  The pieces had to be recorded by the end of May.  She tried and tried to record the pieces but really found it impossible to record three pieces without a break.  The date for submission came and she submitted her application.  It took four weeks to get a password to upload the video.  During that time Dr Anne had to learn techie skills in order to compress the video and then upload the video and paperwork to the Trinity platform.  This piece of work has caused Dr Anne unbelievable stress as it was very personal.  She awaits the assessment.


When Boris Johnson announced 70 years old was vulnerable Dr Anne closed down the dancing school.

However three of the girls decided to go forward with their dancing teacher's certificate.  They decided on an hour three times per week.  The girls have been diligent and have worked consistently on the their projects and Dr Anne feels that they are now ready after 30 hours teaching.  UKA dance have decided that exams can take place virtually so now the girls must submit their dance performance and portfolio by uploading to the UKA platform.  They will be allocated an examiner for their written and oral papers.  It is all very exciting and requires Dr Anne's techie skills again.

Dr Anne has tried to do some teaching virtually by zoom but it lacks in success because of the delay.  The girls are keen to undertake their exams virtually.  More practice for Dr Anne's techie skills!!

Dr Anne and Eloise did a little project with the dancers to keep them on side.  The dancers sent in a video of them dancing to the Red Hot Chilli Pipers.  Eloise did a mix to put them into a private video.


Dr Anne started the lockdown by marching around a number of circuits by herself.  She notched up many K and counted the steps.  One day she just gave up and although she has walked a few times recently it has not had the vigour of the early days.


Wendy Pilates came on the scene with virtual classes.  Dr Anne signed up for a 1:1 very willing as Wendy Pilates is an excellent teacher.  Dr Anne was also allowed to join any of three group classes.  This pattern, although irregular was much enjoyed and Dr Anne felt that her fitness increased.


Dr Anne gave up her Sky subscription after nearly thirty years.  Life has changed and she found she really wasn't using any channel except Sky News.  She bought Apple TV and when lockdown came she took a subscription with Netflix.  Her first watch was the Crown, then Anne of Green Gables,  then... she has enjoyed numerous inane series enjoying the moment.


Dr Anne has had no visitors to her house in 16 weeks but she has enjoyed chats by landline, mobile, text, FaceTime, Skype, messenger, what's app, zoom, Microsoft Teams and google teams. She is beginning to wonder what real people look like.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Week 12 - New Life

When Dr Anne first started writing these pages she had in her mind 12 weeks.  It would take her to June.  Here she is entering week 12.

She has walked miles all around Portsoy.  How many times has she been able to get out the braes?  The weather has been fantastic. She has done regular pilates classes with Wendy and is really happy to be back enjoying her three/four times a week classes.  She has taught dancing virtually with Eloise, Niamh and Lucy.  They are there when Dr Anne buzzes them and are keen to progress.  She has played the piano, regularly and is still waiting to send off her recording of grade 8 pieces to Trinity.  Will she, will she not keep recording the pieces or should she abandon it now.  The garden is well established with the roses in bloom and the ericaceous plants giving a delightful display.  Dr Anne continues to enjoy her Sunday Service at St Columba's, Pont Street, London.

Was watching Andrew Marr just now on Good Morning Britain.  He said he saw spring this year. You know, he is right.  Out the braes, there has been a change every other day and Dr Anne has been aware.  In the beginning,  Dr Anne took pictures but now she just stands and stares at the sea, the fields the trees, the birds.  The other thing, she had was the best Easter ever from Palm Sunday right to Pentecost. There was nothing new but the significance has been more prominent as life is quieter.   Andrew Marr said he missed the galleries. He picked Monet’s lilies as his favourite picture. Dr Anne loves art exhibitions.  She was at the Money exhibition in 2016 with SS when two of the paintings of the lilies were on show.  

Day 78:

Dr Anne had pilates then music.  The weather was cool so she headed for the piano and spent some hours practising.  One day she will be competent.  Dr Anne went for a short walk around the links and the harbour - 2897 steps and 1.8K.  The weather was cool and windy and she met nobody.

Day 79:

This is a busy dancing day.  After pilates there was Eloise, Niamh, Ruby, Fia and Lucy.  The girls are all working so hard.   It took most of the day.  For a rest there was the binging of series of Spanish programmes set in Morocco in the early 1920s. Dr Anne just appreciates the weather in March, April and May as this Artic rain and wind would have been so depressing.

Day 80:

The weather turn for the worse, rain, wind, cold.  It wasn't a day to go out.  Dr Anne had a sore back from overdoing the pilates.  Wendy Pilates soon sorted that with stretches.  Dr Anne tackled the cleaning out of her filing cabinet.  This took most of the day.  Dr Anne's friends phoned for a chat on this dreich day.

Day 81:

The sun was out.  Dr Anne did her teaching with Eloise and Niamh then set out for a walk around the circuit 5339 steps and 3.1k.  When she came in the rain came on and there was another stormy night.  Luckily JSS what's appd so the wind and rain were forgotten for a while and Wendy Pilates zoomed for a chat.

Day 82:

The weather is still stormy so another day in the house was forecast.  The service at St Columba's was its usual thought provoking.  My message was put your things in order and live in peace.

Day 83:

Dr Anne went off to Huntly to Tesco for the second time in lockdown.  The aisles are wide, the stock is good and the ambiance is friendly.  The sun came out so she headed for the garden to get the grass cut and the edges trimmed.  The Zoom dancing is becoming more successful.  A walk round the circuit took her to 6368 steps and 3.7K.

Day 84:

It was 8184 steps and 5K today.  Dr Anne had an early Skype with her dancer Steph then it was pilates and teaching until lunch time.  The gardener came and one job is now complete and the garden looks the better of it.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Week 11 - New Life

Week 11 of lock down,  Dr Anne can't really believe the new world.  The weather is good most of the time.  The garden looks good although Dr Anne has not really devoted time to it.  She has been preoccupied by pilates, dancing and music.  Her walking this week has been minimal as she has stressed about recording pieces for her music exam.  At 70 years old she knows that she need not stress as nobody really cares if she can play the piano at a high level.  She never performs.  However her internal mechanisms say do it again, and again, and again.  She sweats, she has a pain in her tummy, she shouts, she cries.  Submission date is Friday so it will pass.

Day 71:

The day started with pilates.  This was followed by the weekly music lesson.  Ruby says record now and get rid of it.  Dr Anne went a walk to the coastguard point 7366 steps and 4.7K.  She came back, put on her performance clothes and recorded.  All went well in pieces one and two then she messed up piece three.

The evening was spent on a Google Teams Meeting.  We are due to be awarded the Queen's Award for Community Service.  It will be announced on June 2nd.  A number of candidates have applied for our two posts.  Policies and procedures were discussed, particularly financial procedures.

Day 72:

Today was spent dancing and music.  The video had to be compressed.  Dr Anne waited all day for an email from Trinity to find that it might take 7 days or even more to receive it.  It was stress, stress, stress.  Eloise supported Dr Anne during her lesson and even offered to come and help.  Niamh, Lucy and Ruby were in good form.  Fia lay on the foam mats at Dr Anne's back door sunbathing and telling stories.

Dr Anne delivered her sorbet to Moya on her short walk. She walked to Soyburn then down the railway line, down to the harbour and round the links.  It was 4681 steps and 2.5K.

The daily briefing today said that Scotland moves into phase 1 of the breaking of the lockdown.  Dr Anne can go into someone's garden but socially distance.

Day 73:

The weather was warm and sunny so after Pilates with Wendy Dr Anne headed for the garden to cut the grass, trim the edges and start weeding.  Miss Ellen delivered the fish and Miss Fia came with chips from the Chinese Take away.  Dr Anne was invited to Suzi for drinks in the garden so she dressed up for the first time in months.

Day 74:

Dr Anne went for a 5K 8509 step walk out to the Coastguard Point.  It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny.  She felt that she really needed a big shop so she took out her car and drove to Tesco in Huntly.     It was a beautiful evening so she headed to the garden to weed.

Day 75:

Sunday again, Dr Anne tuned into the service from St Columba's for pentecost.  The Holy Spirit is what drives me.

The afternoon was spent in the garden weeding and tidying.  Dr Anne then had a good walk around the hill circuit then the harbour and the links, 7443 steps and 4.5K.

Day 76:

Dr Anne headed for the White Lodge Nursery.  When she got there she panicked as there were so many cars.  However, after sitting around for a while she went in and managed to get her bedding plants, compost and fleece for the cherry tree.

The weather was warm and sunny so Dr Anne headed for the dell to weed and cut back.  The garden is beginning to look good.  The roses are in bloom and the rhodies and azaleas are in full bloom.

Dr Anne just went up the hill and down the cistern brae as she was feeling a bit weary.

Day 77:

Portsoy Community Enterprise has been awarded the Queen's Award for Community Groups in the Queen's Birthday Honours.  This is the first in Banffshire.

Dr Anne was awake very early so go up and set to work on the leeting for the Development Officer and Marketing Co-ordinator.  She spent most of the day reading and collating the information.

There was the pilates class, and dancing with Eloise and Niamh.  Mike planted Dr Anne's pots.

Week 10 - New Life

Now it is Week 10.

Dr Anne is now in a spin.  She has to record tunes for her music exam this week. She will panic but she knows that she can do it. She has tried it and when she thinks she is doing well she makes a mistake.

There is dancing to be done.  Dr Anne has solved the problem of zoom by ensuring that the dancers have muted their screens.  The girls are working on their teachers certificate with enthusiasm.

The walks have been shorter this week as the weather has been variable.

Dr Anne hasn't really gone near the garden except to cut the grass.  With the rain there will be lots of weeds.

Day 64:

Day one of week 10 was a whirlwind with pilates, music, gardening and a long walk up the hill and down the cistern brae, round the back of Kirkies Wood then round the circuit 11797 steps and 7.1K.  It was a beautiful warm evening.

Dr Anne has a freezer full of red currants.  What else could she make was her cry?  Morag suggest red currant sorbet so Dr Anne found a Nigella recipe for red currant and elderflower sorbet.

Day 65:

Dr Anne didn't sleep well.  She got up at 5 and set to work making the red currant and elderflower sorbet.  It was delicious.  The pilates was cancelled but Dr Anne had three hours teaching theory and two hours teaching dancing by zoom. There was no energy for a walk.  She also cut the lower green edged it and did some weeding.

Day 66:

There were strong winds and the likelihood of rain.  Dr Anne cut the upper green as it was growing quite 'rank'.  After her 1:1 pilates she did some tidying of weeds in the dell.  There was a delivery of fish from Suzi for supper delivered by Ellen and chips from the Chippie delivered by Fia.  This was the best meal since lock down. She was about to go for her walk when the rain spitted so she backed into the conservatory and binged on TV.  She watched The Soloist and When Harry met Sally.

Day 67:

Dr Anne has to record her three pieces for her music exam.  One would think this was easy but it sure isn't.  She spent much of the day trying to do it before blobbing in front of the telly again watching Normal People, a BBC 3 series set in Sligo and Dublin.

Day 68:

Piano again.  She has now recorded two versions of her pieces but neither are suitable.  At least she has until Friday to get a good version.  She will be out of her head but that time!!!!

Day 69:

Dr Anne sat at the piano for hours trying to record her pieces.  She could not do it.  She must have started 30 times with 30 deletes.  She was relieved to dance at four and then walk around her circuit.  She managed 7852 steps and 4.9K.

Day 70:

Dr Anne couldn't sleep so was up at 5 and made red currant and elderflower sorbet.  She practised her piano and shopped all before 0800.  There was then pilates, Eloise and Niamh.  Both girls have been working on their dancing which is really sound.  Mike the gardener was there to empty pots and tidy while Dr Anne went back to the piano.  She has become so stressed and for what.

Dr Anne went off up the hill to draw breath and enjoyed a peaceful time walking 10247 steps and 6.3K.

Week 9 - New Life

It is week nine already. How the weeks fly past.  Dr Anne is into a routine of pilates, music, teaching gardening and walking.  She talks to friends all over the world and the phone is pretty much near at hand.

The weather in week eight was quite a difference from the previous seven.  The weather was coming from the Artic so it was low temperatures and a biting cold wind.  This deterred Dr Anne from her walks.  However, this really gave Dr Anne to increase her piano practice.

Dr Anne's friend GGC was very much in her thoughts all week.

Day 57:

Wendy Pilates cancelled her class so Dr Anne hung around doing housework until her music lesson.  The day was bright although still cold.  Dr Anne went out to the Coastguard Station which is 8031 steps and 5.5K.  It was really mild when she got among the gorse bushes.  Today there were many fairies at the Faerie Gathering.

Day 58:

Wendy Pilates cancelled her class again so Dr Anne had to hang around until it was time for FaceTime with Eloise and Messenger with Niamh, Zoom with Ruby and Messenger with Lucy.  Miss Fia arrived with her foam tiles.  All in all Dr Anne had four hours of dancing, mostly theory.  By the end of dancing, Dr Anne just wanted to laze around watching Grace and Frankie, episode after episode.

Day 59:

Wendy Pilates is still not up to classes so Dr Anne went and did some housework, something she does as little as possible,  She then drove her car to Cullen and back to charge the battery and ensure the car is in good order.

Music is very important just now as Dr Anne wants to record her pieces by the end of May.  Two hours per day is required so Dr Anne has to be very structured.

Miss Fia delivered a half portion of scampi and chips for supper from the chip shop which is now opening on Friday and Saturday night for orders.  Afterwards Dr Anne set of for her daily walk - the circuit plus Kirkies Wood 8027 steps and 4.9K.  Once she was out of the house and round the links it was a beautiful evening and even warm by the time she got home.

There was an incident with GGC late that Dr Anne had to deal with.  The hallucinations were vivid and he could not cope.

Day 60:

It was an early morning Skype with Lois in Australia.  Covid  has not been nearly so serious in Australia.  There have been few deaths and really no epidemic only clusters.  The population can now travel throughout the state and meet up with friends.  Five can be invited into the house or ten can be invited into the garden.  The vaccine is ready for trial and may be available by the end of the year.

There was dancing with Eloise and Niamh.  Both are improving and will be confident dance teachers.

Rain was expected but the sky was blue.  Dr Anne rushed out to cut the grass before it became unmanageable. Expecting rain she headed off for her walk around the circuit.  There were a lot of people out and about so the 8361 steps and 4.7K took much longer than usual.  It was however nice to have chats.  Dr Anne became aware that there are cases of covid 19 in Portsoy which did kind of scary.

Dr Anne cut the rhubarb and took what was in the freezer.  She soaked the ingredients in gin, lemon juice and vanilla.

Music practice was followed by a what's app with JSS and Chdancer.  It was lots of laughs.

Day 61:

Most of the day was taken up on the phone.  It started at 0900 and Dr Anne was still catching up with people at 2200.

There was a nice walk around the circuit 6267 steps  and 3.5K.

The service from St Columba's was on the Holy Ghost and continues to give Dr Anne comfort.

'I will ask the father and he will give you a comforter to be with you forever.  I will not leave you orphaned, I am in you.'

GGC continues to have issues with hallucinations so he and Dr Anne devised a plan.  Dr Anne will keep a diary of the hallunicinations and if they do not settle Dr Anne will take action.

The stories of Grace and Frankie continue to keep Dr Anne amused.

Day 62:

As Dr Anne couldn't get to sleep she then slept in.  She has never been so lazy.  There was music to practise and dancing to dance.  Have finally mastered the zoom if I shut mute the dancers.

It was a warm evening so Dr Anne set off round the loch then down to the beach and the harbour and as it was still warm she climbed the Burnie brae hill and down the cistern brae.  6395 steps and 3.7K. It sure was better than watching TV.

A message came through late that Dr Anne has to present her pieces by May 29.  This fits with her plan but it was still a shock.  She needs to up her practising and cut back on her binging.

Day 63:

Still no pilates so Dr Anne headed to the shop for bread and cake.  There were classes with Eloise and Niamh.  Dr Anne was not at her best today.  She was still thinking of the news about her pieces.

Mike the gardener was in the garden emptying the pots ready for the summer potting.  Dr Anne really wanted to head for the garden but thee was a spit of rain.  She went off on a walk out the East Braes.  She was slow tonight so she meandered deep in thought.  Her pace was dead slow and stop with pauses to sit.  She did 7767 steps and 5.3K

Week 8 - New Life

Now Dr Anne is into week 8 of the new life.  She has slowed up considerably.  She goes to bed late and lies in bed in the morning listening to Radio 4.  She is now into a routine of  Pilates on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and a 1:1 class on a Friday.  Dr Anne is happy Wendy Pilates is back on the scene.  The piano lessons have started but Dr Anne's practice schedule is a bit intermittent.  This needs improvement.  The walking is a big part of Dr Anne's life just now.  She has now walked 160 miles since she went into lock down.  The dancing classes are basic with two girls doing their associate and hopefully up to three more doing their student.  Three are doing classes on Zoom.  The time lapse is a problem.

Dr Anne is doing basic gardening but not as much as she should be doing.  She thought she would be much more creative than she actually is.  The weather has been really good but Dr Anne just can't get the enthusiasm and motivation.

Dr Anne has happily settled into the services at St Columba's, Pont Street.  She finds them spiritually uplifting

Dr Anne has talked to many people on her walks and on the media all over the world - Estonia, Bonn, St Petersburg, Melbourne, Buenos Aires, Toronto, Winnipeg and Portland.

Day 50:

It was a beautiful day so the front windows got washed and polished.  This was after another session of pilates and of course music on FaceTime.  Dr Anne had a good walk around the circuit then through Kirkies Wood.  It was 8309 steps and 4.9K.

Day 51:

It was announce that we are to have another three weeks lock in.  It was yoga infused pilates today.  It was also a busy teaching day with Eloise, Niamh, Fia, and Lucy.  In between Dr Anne cut the grass and trimmed the edges.  She didn't have time for a walk although it was a beautiful day.

Day 52:

Dr Anne and Eloise headed for Durnhythe today.  There were three pipers and two drummers.  We stood at the back of the Care Home.  We alternated dances with pipe tunes.  The residents looked out of the windows.  It was a very special concert and very touching.  When Dr Anne came home there was a very special VE Afternoon Tea on her window sill.  There was pink gin to drink.  Dr Anne's neighbours at number 16 were the providers.  It was very special.

There was a walk round Durn 3838 steps and 2.1K.

Day 53:

Saturday, the days sure rush in.  Dr Anne had two FaceTime classes with Eloise and Niamh.

It was raining and cold so Dr Anne headed for the front room and the piano.  She needs to get the pieces note perfect and rhythm perfect.  She is improving.

The weather was depressing so Dr Anne did not attempt a walk.

Day 54:

Sunday, Dr Anne participated in the service from St Columba's, Pont Street, London.  There were some good hymns which encouraged Dr Anne to sing.  The rest of the day was used up with phone calls.  There were frequent showers of hail which discouraged Dr Anne from her walk.  However, she walked around the beach and the harbour to the Coop, 2874 steps and 1.7K.  She did her week's shopping in the Coop.  Today she had a list...  The quality of the food at the Coop is good but the range is restrictive.  Dr Anne has now had Coop food for 8 weeks but she is not in the mood to go out of town to find alternative supermarkets.

In the evening,  Dr Anne watched Grace and Frankie, a series about two women dumped by their husbands who announced they were going to marry after a 20 year affair.  It's all fun. There are over 30 episodes so plenty story lines to come.

Day 55:

It was still wintery with frequent squally showers.  A little girl has been dancing and wanted some new moves.  Dr Anne had a dance lesson with her on her fourth birthday.  The rest of the day involved piano practice, teaching dance and Netflix watching.  There was no walk as the the weather was foul.

Dr Anne has been eating the fruit from her freezers.  She was pretty fed up with stewed gooseberries so she marinated the rest of the gooseberries in gin and then made gooseberry and gin jam.  All that is left in the freezer are red currants and apple juice.  What shall she do with them?

Day 56:

Pilates, teaching and music practice.  The rain is heavy so no walk.

Dr Anne does random things so she put on her thick trousers and winter coat and went off on a walk. It was Artic at the beach, Baltic at the harbour, soaked in foam at the swimming pool.  As she headed for Soyburn and the Durn Road it was positively mild.  In the end it was 8452 steps and 4.9K and a happy healthy person.

Week 7 - New LIfe

This is the first day of week 7 of self isolation.  How does she feel as she enters the second half of her 12 weeks isolation.  She sees Suzi and the kids fairly frequently. She goes into the yard and tries to keep a social distance.  On her walks, Dr Anne sees a lot of people now on her walks.  There are many new people on the east side of the town now.  Are they exploring an area they haven't been to before?  The shops in town are very empty.  Where is everyone?  Do people shop only once a week or do they go out of town to shop now?  Ah well, life goes on.

Day 43:

Dr Anne had no walk and no video today.  Life took over with pilates, music, and then a meeting with the Care Services to provide support for GGC.  The evening was taken up with a Board Meeting for PCE.

Day 44:

Dr Anne had now walk yesterday so did two circuits today with 11752 steps and 7.5K.  She met a few people on the circuit and chatted at social distance.  There was a yoga class in the morning that Dr Anne found difficult to keep up with and a dance class with Eloise. She had a long FaceTime with SS.  There is no new but lots of chat.

Day 45:

Friday, it is so difficult to keep tabs on the days as everyone is the same.  Dr Anne did the little circuit of 5957 steps and 3.8K as she had already done a 1:1 with Wendy Pilates who had put her through her paces.  Miss Fia took orders for a fish night and delivered a delicious fish supper at 5pm on the dot.  The chip shop has opened on a Friday and Saturday night for phone in orders.

Dr Anne had a 2 hour FaceTime with Charly in Argentina and JSS.  It was good to hear about the lock down in a different country.  If one wants to leave the flat one has to get a permission note and download it.  Charlie's partner has one each week to visit his mum.  The government are releasing prisoners and that is fairly controversial.  Charly feels that some people are now breaking the rules.

Day 46:

Dr Anne went out and cut the grass.  She felt that she would have done much more in the garden than she has.  She loves her walks and today did the little circuit - 5957 steps and 3.8K.  She had a zoom session with Wendy Pilates over a beer and caught up with 2.5 years of news.

Day 47:

Dr Anne lay long and watched TV until the morning service from St Columba's, Pont Street, London.    She walked a bit of a circuit before visiting her friend GGC. It was only 5723 steps and 3.3K.  This was a long day as Dr Anne couldn't be bothered doing anything.

Day 48:

Dr Anne had to rouse herself from her bed to get to her friend GGC.  This was the first day of the carers and there were questions to be asked and papers to be signed.  All went smoothly.

Dr Anne came home practised her music, had a zoom dance class and walked 6599 steps and 3.8K.

Day 49:

Dr Anne was up bright and early today.  She had a Pilates class then two dance classes with Eloise and Niamh both aiming to do their Associate.  The gardener came and trimmed the ivy dyke and mucked the raspberries while Dr Anne practised her music.

It was a beautiful day so Dr Anne headed for the Boyne circuit followed by the circuit to the wishing gate.  10639 steps and 6.3K.  She met Colin then Suzi, then Eloise, Sharon, and Moira George.