Monday 22 March 2010

Rock Cakes (Mrs McArthur's Wartime Cookery Book)

Dr Anne's friend Grey Granite is giving a talk at Portsoy Salmon Bothy on Sunday 28 March, 2010. Dr Anne is determined that there shall be be a good turn out and is bribing with homebakes. To this end she has delved back into Mrs McArthur's wartime cookery book for something tasty.

Rock Cakes
1.5 lb flour
0.5 lb sugar
0.5 lb butter
6 oz currants
4 eggs
Rub in flour, sugar and butter, adding eggs and milk as required for a stiff consistency then currants. Put on baking tray and bake in a hot oven.

Comment: It was a long time since Dr Anne had baked these cakes but it was like riding a bike. One never forgets. It is important to get a stiff consistency so don't just pour in milk, try it little by little.

1 comment:

  1. Grey Granite appreciates Dr Anne's efforts to secure a good audience and the introduction to the talk.
    However, she regrets that the demands of the afternoon prevented her from eating more than one of the excellent rockcakes.
