Wednesday 4 November 2015

Elizabeth is Missing

Healey E., (2014). Elizabeth is Missing. London: Penguin.

This book goes into the head of Maud, a lady in her 80's who has dementia.  It describes the world she is living in preoccupied with lists, her aide memoirs and trying to remember her surroundings.  She describes her frustrations with this woman who is her daughter and a younger version, her grand daughter as they try to help her.  

The reactions of a daughter to a mother's forgetfulness quite different to a grand daughter is quite illuminating.  

Intertwined in the story is Maud's memory of her earl life when her beloved sister Sukey disappears.  Who is missing?  Elizabeth or Sukey?

This book has had rave reviews recently.

Dr Anne struggled with this book.  She stopped, lost her place, picked it up and started again a few times.  The book was illuminating, the ending neat.

Dr Anne awards 7.5/10.

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