Monday 16 February 2015

The Physic Garden

Czerkawska, C. (2014). The Physic Garden. Scotland: Saraband.

Greygranite gave Dr Anne The Physic Garden as a birthday present.  What a wonderful read.  

Dr Anne Is not into historical novels.  Queen Elizabeth, Henry V111 and Cromwell are nowhere on her reading list.  Nineteenth and twentieth century history is within the lives of people she knows about.  She can visualise her relatives coming east at the clearances or heading down to Glasgow.  She knows their history, their way of life, their aspirations, their legacy.

This book about William Lang, the college gardener strikes a chord with the places that she goes to in her head on 'blue' days.

Dr Anne is of the view:

'What is before you definitely doesn't go past you.'

'One also needs to be out and about, breathing the fresh air. One mustn't live life second hand.'

She awards 9/10.