Sunday 1 February 2015

On the other side: Letters to my children from Germany 1940 - 1946

Wolff- Mönckeberg, M. (2011). On the other side: Letters to my children from Germany 1940-1946. London: Persephone Books Ltd.

This seemed the appropriate book to read this week following the programmes about the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz.  

This diary was written by a mother whose children lived abroad during the war in Britain, America, Sweden and South America while she was in and around Hamburg.  It was her way of telling them about the daily grind of the people during the war years.  The diary was found after she died.

This was an enthralling read and compares to the scenarios of the Auschwitz programme.  In the end it comes to survival.  Maslow's Basic Needs... Food, water, shelter, clothing... Security... Love... Some folk just can't cope.  What does one need to survive?

Dr Anne awards a 9/10 for this read.  

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