Wednesday 11 April 2012

'Plough your own rut.'

The weather has been pretty wet and cold these last couple of weeks.  Sitting by the radiator has been very inviting.  The spring reads have been page turners.

Boyd, W. (1987). The New Confessions. London: Penguin Books.

This was quite a different read from the last two of Mr Boyd - Waiting for Sunrise and The Ordinary Thunderstorms. 

Friends of Dr Anne have just phoned to say that their house will go on the market in the next month.  They are moving to the Borders to be near their family.  There are grandchildren, children, health issues, age issues.  

The news links well with this story of John James Todd who moves around around Britain, Europe and on to America loving and living without much planning.  The book had its stirring moments:  the relationship with his father and brother was Victorian with Oonagh who looked after his early needs the one to lust after; WW1 experiences were vivid and explicit;  an obsession with Jean Jacques Rousseau; a successful career and a periods of poverty. When living and loving went sour one had to plough one's own rut...

Dr Anne awards 7/10.  It was a page turner which Dr Anne has been devouring these last few days but it doesn't match Waiting for Sunrise or the The Ordinary Thunderstorms.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tulips, standing up to the elements well.The lower picture would make a stunning card.
