Monday 21 March 2011

Newly Mown Grass

The sun is shining.
It is 14c
There is a wind but it is warm.
Dr Anne looked at her lists: house list, garden list, Bothy list, Auntie Cath list.
She decided to go outdoors and give the grass its first cut of the year. The edges were trimmed. The grass was cut at number 4. The edgings were collected.
How happy Dr Anne felt as she surveyed her work for the day.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Spring comes to East Neuk

Spring comes to East Neuk
In the Dell

On the Mound

Spring commences officially tomorrow.
Today the sun is shining and it is warm.
The birds are singing.
The buds are bursting open.
Dr Anne is out in the garden and at one.
The cold raw wind is no longer.
Oh bliss.

Friday 11 March 2011


McEwan, I. (2010). Solar. London: Cape.

Dr Anne sees that this book is now in paperback and is up top in the ratings. Greygranite gave Dr Anne this book months ago but she read the first few pages numerous times then stuck. However, she got cracking with it this week. Did she enjoy it? She enjoyed bits but it lacked the order that Dr Anne yearns.

Dr Anne can give this only 4/10.

Thursday 3 March 2011

My Life in Books

Dr Anne's friend Sandra emailed one night to say she had been watching My Life in Books. Dr Anne went on to BBC iplayer and watched all the programmes to date at the weekend and has made a point of watching the programmes each night this week.

So what are Dr Anne's 5 books and what do they tell about her. It sure was a difficult choice.

The first choice is 'What Katy Did' by Susan Coolidge. This was part of a series with What Katy did next and What Katy did at school. Katy held court from her bed when she fell off the forbidden swing. Everyone grew to love her as she learned from her mistakes. Money was very tight in the McArthur household so books were precious. What Katy Did was treasured and is to be found in the personal bookcase in the bedroom. This choice was closely followed by Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables and the adorable Gilbert Blyth. Dr Anne has 'Anne hanging around' in her hall, a present from Heather when she visited Prince Edward Island during a Rotary International Exchange.

Number 2 is the influences of the Canada years. Soul mate Susan sent Margaret Lawrence's books home to enable Dr Anne grow up. She advised to start with The Stone Angel where there are plans to put mother in an old folks home while reflecting on her life but Dr Anne much preferred the Jest of God and the Diviners. They were read time after time. The Diviners taught Dr Anne about men, love and life.

Dr Anne loved Freddie Forsyth's and Jeffrey Archer's as good thrillers which were page turners. She read all the early novels. Her favourite Archer is Cane and Abel. She has however chosen Forsyth's Odessa File over The Day of the Jackal. It was the reason for the pursuit of the evil ones that clinched the decision.

People who have had triumph over adversity in their lives absorb Dr Anne. Who can forget the release of Mandela, John McCarthy, Terry Waite. Dr Anne can remember what she was doing on these days. The story which really hit home was Brian Keenan's 'The Evil Cradling'. His descriptions of his imprisonment haunted Dr Anne. None of the others matched it.

Dr Anne's final choice comes down to Mintzberg or Handy. Their management books shaped her later career. Dr Anne has chosen Handy's - The Alchemists. Again these are scenarios about people with focus who over come adversity.

So what does the choice of books say about Dr Anne? She really is an emotional romantic who loves to see triumph over adversity. It is maybe for Grey Granite to comment?

Can't believe it is Spring!

The first miniature daffodils of the year
A great show of crocuses
Dr Anne has spent the afternoon in the garden at East Neuk. One would never know because of the extent of the work to be tackled. However, every little mickle maks a muckle. Tonight she is well satisfied with the moment.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Another Spring Day

The snowdrops are fully out today.
The sun is shining.
It is 12c.