Monday 6 December 2010

Menstrie, Clackmannanshire

Dr Anne's friend in Menstrie has sent these pictures after a day of heavy snow.
Edinburgh is now like the retreat from Moscow. The buses and taxis are suspended. People are trudging home in the snow. How far is it realistic to walk in this weather? -11c forecast tonight.

1 comment:

  1. How far is it realistic to walk in this weather?
    Grey Granite and Rufus happily walked for about 4 miles this morning but they were prepared for the weather with suitable clothing and at the risk of sounding like Dorothy Wordsworth, were not unduly fatigued by their walk which took a couple of hours. The woman we saw traipsing through the snow in the sort of skirt which Grey Granite might wear in August when in Ageing Hippy mode and which trailed on the snow, ought not to have ventured to her gate and irritated Grey Granite profoundly by complaining about the snow. However, Grey Granite concedes that this evening, in a shower of hailstones, half a mile was too far.
