Saturday 20 November 2010

It has been a long time

It has three months since a posting came from Dr Anne. Why you may ask? 'Stuff ' says Dr Anne.
There was a big storm at the beginning of September, 2010. The flowers were battered and the beautiful birch was bent double in the gale force winds. After that Dr Anne lost heart. The second flowering of roses were slow to come and poor weather did not show them to best effect. Now mid November the roses are still in bloom giving Dr Anne some pleasure.

However, David Austin's Princess Anne arrived this week so Dr Anne had to pull herself out of the slough of despond and take action. Pots were purchased at Christies and arrived with farmyard manure, John Innes number 3 and multipurpose compost late yesterday. Today Dr Anne sat down over lunch to read the instructions for planting and now all three are in their new pots. They must now receive tender loving care.

1 comment:

  1. Grey Granite is pleased to see that second by second has been revived.
