Sunday 7 February 2010

Katherine Mansfield

In Wellington NZ, Dr Anne visited the birthplace of Katherine Mansfield. She was deeply moved by this visit feeling at one with her. She bought her Selected Stories and particularly enjoyed The Garden Party, A Cup of Tea and Her First Ball. Dr Anne contacted her literary mentor, Grey Granite to tell how wonderful this visit was and had she read any of her work. Of course she had. She dug out her copies for a Christmas read.
Mansfield, K. (2008). Selected Stories. Oxford: University Press.
Stead, C. K. (2004). Mansfield, a Novel. London: The Harvill Press.

1 comment:

  1. Grey Granite suggests The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield, Wordsworth Edition 2006, with introduction by Prof. Stephen Arkin,San Francisco State University as further reading. This contains all the stories published in K.M's lifetime and 73 more which were in preparation for publication at the time of her death.

    Virginia Woolf,whose Hogarth press published K.M's 'The Prelude' said of K.M. that she was the only writer of whose work she was truly jealous.
