Sunday 31 January 2010

Collins Street Trauma

It was Sunday night and Dr Anne had just left the Scots Kirk on Collins Street. As she walked down for supper at Sub Way she met an extra short man at a phone box. He was in an emotional state saying that he had had his wallet stolen with all his cards. He said that he had been on the phone cancelling his cards and needed some dollars for the tram fare home for his wife and himself. Looking in her purse, Dr Anne only had 20$ so being public spirited she handed it over giving the guy enough for the tram fares and a cup of coffee.

She immediately knew she had been conned when the little man disappeared down the gents' toilet steps. Not someone who gets easily upset, Dr Anne was livid that she had been so gullible.

Later at the bottom of Collins Street, Dr Anne met the little man with a wimpish guy. Totally alien to her character, she marched up to the extra short little man and his partner in crime and started gesticulating at them before accusing them of being con men. She marched after them while they 'trotted down' the street looking over their shoulders before jumping on the first tram to arrive. Wow...

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