Friday 15 December 2017

The Heart's Invisible Furies

Boyne, J. (2017). The Heart's Invisible Furies. London: Transworld Publishers.

Dr Anne bought three Christmas reads - a John Boyne, a Peter May, and a William Boyd.  It's only the beginning of December but it's cold, snowy, icy and dark.  Dr Anne is immobile so can't really go outdoors.

Which book should she reach for first?  Dr Anne was in a dark mood so she picked up 'The Heart's Invisible Furies'.

Who is Cyril Avery?

  • the illegitimate son of a girl from a village near Cork thrown out of her village by the priest;
  • the adopted son of a novelist and a financier with avoidance tax issues;
  • the friend of Julian, a heterosexual with multiple sexual partners who dies of Aids;
  • a gay, a queer;
  • married to Julian's sister Alice but runs off during the reception;
  • lived in Amsterdam with Dr Bastaan, his first partner, fostered a lad from Slovenia and went to NY at the time of the discovery of Aids;
  • in Ireland after his partner is murdered in Central Park
    • he meets his birth mother
    • finds out he has a son
    • comes to terms with life and
    • is happy with Who Is Cyril Avery.
Remembering History of Loneliness, The Absolutist, The Boy with the Striped Pyjamas, John Boyne touches Dr Annes heart.

She awards another 9/10.

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