Monday 14 September 2015

Silent Scream

Marsons, A. (2015). Silent Scream. United Kingdom: Bookouture.

Dr Anne has been feeling poorly and that is when she likes to curl up and shut out the world. She looked out this book for the train to Edinburgh on Saturday.  It is one of Richard and Judy's 2015 Book Club.  

Does Dr Anne like detective stories?  Sometimes.  She remembers one last year when she was hooked. Well, she got hooked with Silent Scream.  Detective Kim Stone had a mission and Dr Anne likes that.  Her motivation, persistence and stubbornness were key in the story as she unraveled the deaths of young people from a children's home and the murder of the staff that managed the children's home.  Captivating.  

Dr Anne awards 8/10.

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