Tuesday 18 November 2014

Stay where you are then Leave

Boyne, J. (2013). Stay where you are then Leave. London: Random House.

Dr Anne is in one of her moodies.  She had activities every night for a week.  She needed total withdrawal.  John Boyne was interviewed a couple of weeks ago on Radio Scotland.  His 'Boy with the Striped Pyjamas' is a favourite so Dr Anne ordered up some of his other books.  Today Dr Anne went into hibernation to read 'Stay where you are then Leave.'

This book was set during the First World War.  Alfie became the man of the house when his father went off to war.  His mother told Alfie that his father was on a secret mission when he really was in a hospital  with shell shock.  Alfie devises a plan to find him.

Not as awsome as the 'Boy with the Striped Pyjamas' but a neat little story on a depressing November day.  She awards 8/10.


  1. Grey Granite recommends Susan Hill's 'Strange Meeting' also set in WW1 - this time in the trenches, as follow up reading
