Monday 24 November 2014

A History of Loneliness

Boyne, J. (2014). A History of Loneliness. London: Transworld Publishers.

This is Dr Anne's second John Boyne in a week.  Dr Anne has a number of projects on the list of to dos but nothing has happened as her focus has been on this latest book of John Boyne.  It is dedicated to all the victims of child abuse by 'folk' associated with the Catholic Church in Ireland.  

The story dotted back and forth the decades from the fifties to 2013.  The story built up around Odran Yates across Ireland and to Rome.  There was more than one climax.  In the end the lesson for us all is that knowing something that might destroy people's lives and not acting on it makes one as guilty as the people who actually do the ill.

John Boyne is definitely not afraid of taking on major issues and turning them into thought provoking stories.  Dr Anne awards 9/10.  It doesn't quite reach the emotions of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas or The Power of One and Tandia.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Stay where you are then Leave

Boyne, J. (2013). Stay where you are then Leave. London: Random House.

Dr Anne is in one of her moodies.  She had activities every night for a week.  She needed total withdrawal.  John Boyne was interviewed a couple of weeks ago on Radio Scotland.  His 'Boy with the Striped Pyjamas' is a favourite so Dr Anne ordered up some of his other books.  Today Dr Anne went into hibernation to read 'Stay where you are then Leave.'

This book was set during the First World War.  Alfie became the man of the house when his father went off to war.  His mother told Alfie that his father was on a secret mission when he really was in a hospital  with shell shock.  Alfie devises a plan to find him.

Not as awsome as the 'Boy with the Striped Pyjamas' but a neat little story on a depressing November day.  She awards 8/10.

Friday 7 November 2014


FrIends at the Friday Night Dance in Perth.  The all look happy.

Doris and Edna

Anne, Bob and Dorothy.

Wendy and her friend from  Dumfries.

Anne, Marjorie, Alison and Bob.

Edna and Jim.

Brian and Anne


Arrived at Keith Station.  Doris announced that to day is 7 November.  Dr Anne had bought tickets for 6 November...  

Train was late.  Missed connection at Inverness. Next train to Perth was 15 minutes late...

Arrived.  Did talk.  Decorated hall.

The hall decorating team...