Tuesday 26 February 2013

First Day in the Garden

This was the first day that Dr Anne has been able to go to the garden.  The sun was brilliant.  The temperature warmer than of late.

Dr Anne pruned The Pilgrim which had been in bloom when she had headed off for Africa. 
 Dr Anne is now well satisfied.

The snowdrops on the sunny side of the garden are in full bloom.  Those under the birch tree will be in full bloom next week.

The yellow crocuses give such pleasure.

Champagne Moment is in bud!

Monday 25 February 2013

100th Birthday Celebration

This is definitely the year of partying.  

Dr Anne's Auntie Cath celebrated her 100th birthday on Friday 22 February.

Auntie Cath reading the card from the Lord Lieutenant.

Flowers from Lord Seafield, flowers from the residents of Macrae Court, a card from the Queen, a telegram from Iain Duncan Smith, the birthday cake from Joyce.

the food

the nieces

Mrs Stephen, Debbie Greig and Moira Wood

Edith Stewart, Tony Boylan, Eric and Amy Cranwell

Muriel Stewart, Dolly Frame, Jock Murray

Bunty Gardiner, Jenny Taylor, Isabel Gray

the residents

Mrs Barron, Brenda, ? and Dianne

Dianne and ? and ?

the folk from day care services

Auntie Cath and Alison Maxwell

Dorothy, Marjory and Shona

Florence, Jimmy and Willie

Shona Robertson, Margaret Simpson and Isabel Hutheson

Kenneth Stewart, Frances Barron with Auntie Cath

Isabel and Doug Souter with Helen Stewart

Catherine and Tony Kett with Betty

Auntie Cath with Mabel Gauld

Magnus with Edith Stuart

Mike and Janet McLeman with Betty

Frances Barron, Auntie Cath and Margaret Simpson

Betty with Mabel Gauld

Saturday 16 February 2013


Do you think Spring might be round the corner? 

Dr Anne sees the buds coming out on the roses.

The rhubarb is peaking through the ground.

The new tulips bought from Bloms at the Chelsea Show in 2012 are peeping up through the ground.

The daffodils are well up.

The Helebores are beautiful.

The snowdrops have opened up this last week.

The first crocuses.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Any Human Heart

Boyd, W. (2003). Any Human Heart. London:Penguin Books Ltd

This book tells the story of Logan Mountstart born in South America, grew up in England and spent different parts of his life in London, Paris and New York.  The book was a page turner but not earth shattering.  It was a nice book for a day when you don't feel like facing the world.  She awards it 6/10.

Monday 11 February 2013

Another night out

Anne and Diane

Wendy Pilates and Heather

Dr Anne was out at the Mill of Tynet for supper, the second visit in a week. 
 A great time was had by all

Friday 8 February 2013

Who do you think I am?


Alexander and Catherine McArthur
Great Grandparents

William and Ann McArthur

Robert Fraser McArthur, (father) Margaret Ann McArthur, (aunt) Catherine Harper McArthur (aunt)
Alexander McArthur (uncle)

William McArthur (uncle)

Alexander McArthur and Elizabeth Towns
(uncle and aunt)

Robert Fraser McArthur and Isabella Hay

Elizabeth Ann McArthur (cousin, daughter of Alexander McArthur and Elizabeth Towns)  with husband Brian Evans, son Nicholas Evans with wife Becky, daughter Sarah with husband Ed Cooper, and grandchildren Ella, Harry and Georgie Evans and Evie, Charlie and Freddie Cooper.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Sunday Lunch @ the Mill of Tynet

Dr Anne hosted lunch at the Mill of Tynet restaurant on Sunday 3 February.  Her friends Hazel and Sinclair Broomfield leave Portsoy at the beginning of March having purchased a new build in Kelso to be nearer their family.  Hazel and Sinclair have hosted three Christmas dinners for Orphan Annie.  This was payback time.  A wonderful carvery lunch was provided.

Hazel and Sinclair
3 Christmas Dinners

June (wonderful fish pies with a doggie bag too) and Roger

Moya and Jack
3 Boxing Day Dinners and some excellent games nights

Leanne and Matt with the carvery at the back

Jill (Dr Anne's partner for the day) with Jack

Leanne and Dr Anne (great buddies)

Dr Anne's goats cheese wellington

Leanne's roast beef dinner