Sunday 10 June 2012

Next set of Blooms

These are the next set of blooms, Grey Granite.

Princess Anne

The first Peace of the season.  This rose was bought back in the 1960s when the houses that make East Neuk were united.  Hasn't it done well?

Teasing Georgia was bought in 2008 and grows along the back wall with The Pilgrim below and Dad's rose.

This is the first bloom called The Pilgrim.  

This is what Dr Anne calls Dad's rose.  Like Peace it was bought in the 1960s.  It was grown on an arch near the back door.  In 2007, it looked dead so Mother and Dr Anne hacked it back ready for  Steven to remove.  It was not to be... It wanted to survive.

This is the first clematis bloom in the barrel.


  1. WOW!
    Despite the weather these are amazing.
    Do you have the original images for Dad's rose, The Pilgrim, Peace and Princess Anne? They maybe could do with being just slightly less tightly cropped if you decided you want to incorporate in a printed project. Teasing Geogia is about right.Princess Anne particularly appeals to Grey Granite who has not yet seen any wild roses in bloom.
