Friday 30 December 2011

Boxing Day

Walk 4

After the experience of yesterday, Dr Anne was anxious to go for a secluded walk.  Michael Minty had cleared the old railway line from Aird Street towards Tillynaught.  Dr Anne with her Tilltynaught connections had always wanted to try the route out.  Today was the day.

They entered off the A98 on Aird Street.  The going was good as J. D. and Dr Anne headed up under the Huntly Bridge and on up to Kinnadie.  They crossed the muddy farm road to find a bar across the path.  J. D. climbed over and Dr Anne slid under the pole.  The path was more challenging.  They kept going until they came to a clearing in Rockhilly Wood.  They tried to go further but the path was totally overgrown.  There was a barbed wire fence preventing entry to the field, there were ditches and fallen trees making it difficult to go through the wood.  The decision was made to retrace their steps back into town.  


Dr Anne found her Aunt Nellie's front door with the Crudie glass now a garage door down towards the line.


  1. Explain Crudie glass please Dr. Anne.

  2. Mum was born at East Neuk, Crudie. Mum called her house East Neuk and Aunt Nellie called her house Crudie.
