Friday 18 February 2011


Slater, N. (2003). Toast. London: Fourth Estate.

What a nice easy read this was, just what Dr Anne needed. Oh, many memories were rekindled after a lifetime. Each chapter reminded Dr Anne of another story.

Dr Anne's mum was a great cook and prepared the food her dad liked - broth or chicken soup, roast beef, chicken, egg custard, rice pudding with tinned peaches, pears or fruit cocktail, to name a few. There was a sixpenny tub of Portsoy ice cream on a Sunday during the summer. It seems like yesterday but so long ago.

Sweets were a luxury as there was no surplus money. Dr Anne remembers the names and the flavours: sherbert fountain -2d, Smiths crisps -3d, floral gums -3d an oz. Every Saturday Dr Anne visited the Bremners to watch Dixon of Dock Green. As she left a Fry's Chocolate Creme was taken from the back of the telephone.

Nigel working in the hotel kitchens and front of house reminded Dr Anne of her student jobs. The Park Hotel, Portsoy - £4 per week, the Park Hotel, Montrose where there was a lot of eating and drinking to be done as well as hard work - £6 per week plus board, Fortune and Reid, the grocery shop - Christmas and Easter holidays. It was the days of prawn cocktails, mixed grills and Black Forest Gateau. There was of course the voluntary work with mum's bed and breakfast. Reflection says it was a good grounding for a good work ethic as well as skills and knowledge.

Dr Anne gives a rating of 8/10 to this book for rousing memories.

1 comment:

  1. Grey Granite shares Dr Anne's nostalgic response to Toast as, I suppose, would so many Baby Boomers. Food is so evocative. Grey Granite always thought that the food in Rosehearty was far superior to the food in the North West of England. A particular speciality was 'Doddie Fytie's ice cream' This came in white and pink, if Grey Granite arrived at the shop as it was being made she was lifted on to the counter and allowed to stir the strawberry flavouring in to the pink version.This of course pre dates the discovery of food hygiene. Grey Granite was always puzzled by why someone called Fytie made pink ice cream. Grey Granite also remembers getting yellow fish from straight from the smoke house and pullets' eggs from the nest box.
