Monday 28 February 2011

Stillness Speaks

Tolle, E. (2003). Stillness Speaks. London: Hodder and Stoughton

A neat little book to dip in and out of.
Lessons for Dr Anne:
  • Know yourself
  • Live in the now
  • Have awareness of nature
  • Don't take thoughts seriously
  • Don't judge
  • Be still

Dr Anne awards 8/10

Friday 25 February 2011

Spring is early

Dr Anne is surprised to find that it is 12c today at noon. There is a warm wind. These are temperatures for the end of May not the end of February. Being negative there is winter still to come. Being positive maybe it will be an early spring. The Dell
A grand show of hellebores

Saturday 19 February 2011

Longing for Spring

The first crocuses
Snowdrops in the Dell

Dr Anne longs for spring. Today is definitely winter.

Friday 18 February 2011


Slater, N. (2003). Toast. London: Fourth Estate.

What a nice easy read this was, just what Dr Anne needed. Oh, many memories were rekindled after a lifetime. Each chapter reminded Dr Anne of another story.

Dr Anne's mum was a great cook and prepared the food her dad liked - broth or chicken soup, roast beef, chicken, egg custard, rice pudding with tinned peaches, pears or fruit cocktail, to name a few. There was a sixpenny tub of Portsoy ice cream on a Sunday during the summer. It seems like yesterday but so long ago.

Sweets were a luxury as there was no surplus money. Dr Anne remembers the names and the flavours: sherbert fountain -2d, Smiths crisps -3d, floral gums -3d an oz. Every Saturday Dr Anne visited the Bremners to watch Dixon of Dock Green. As she left a Fry's Chocolate Creme was taken from the back of the telephone.

Nigel working in the hotel kitchens and front of house reminded Dr Anne of her student jobs. The Park Hotel, Portsoy - £4 per week, the Park Hotel, Montrose where there was a lot of eating and drinking to be done as well as hard work - £6 per week plus board, Fortune and Reid, the grocery shop - Christmas and Easter holidays. It was the days of prawn cocktails, mixed grills and Black Forest Gateau. There was of course the voluntary work with mum's bed and breakfast. Reflection says it was a good grounding for a good work ethic as well as skills and knowledge.

Dr Anne gives a rating of 8/10 to this book for rousing memories.

Thursday 10 February 2011

In the Garden

The winter flowering heathers looked good in today's sunshine.

Dr Anne drifted out to the garden. The tulips needed to be taken from the garage and given some light. She has put them back in the garage overnight as it is going to be frosty. Once she was out Dr Anne grabbed the secateurs and started on the roses. She kept reminding herself to do a good job and take her time as there is no rush. A job well done is better than 10 jobs half done.

Dr Anne is happy...

Snowdrops in the Dell

Dr Anne is delighted to see snowdrops in flower in the dell. It feels like spring at long last.

Monday 7 February 2011

The New Corrections

Franzen, J. (2001). The Corrections. London: Fourth Estate.

This book had excellent reviews. It is about an aging couple with three grown up children. The father, Alfred was of quiet demeanour but authoritarian. Mother, Enid was a 'stay at home' mother bringing up the children. The lead up told of the lives of the three children portraying the lives, loves and innermost feelings. This was interspersed with the lives and feelings of the parents. The culmination was the 'last Christmas' when all three children were present on Christmas morning and finally came to term with their father's parkinsonisms, their mother's dilemna and their own duty to their parents and siblings.

This story reminds Dr Anne of many of her friends who are involved in the caring of siblings and parents at this time. It ain't easy when one is emotionally involved.

Dr Anne awards this read 8/10.